Equality Magazine: Summer 2012

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A Historic Turning Point for Our Nation Dear Friends,

emerging as center stage in the epic struggle for

lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender civil rights. And as detailed in this issue of Equality, America’s voters are choosing sides in this battle that will define our nation’s future. Standing with the Human Rights Campaign on the side of equality are courageous leaders like President Obama and U.S. Rep. Tammy Baldwin, civil rights giants like the NAACP, leading corporations like Starbucks and General Mills, and a growing bipartisan majority of Americans across the country. Lining up on the side of intolerance are extreme-right politicians like Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, extreme-right groups like the National Organization for Marriage and the Family Research Council, and a dwindling number of companies — like fast-food chain Chick-fil-A — that embrace anti-LGBT bigotry. At the same time, millions of voters are deciding whether they will support our nation’s defining principle of equal rights under the law — or the discrimination that condemns millions of Americans to the



summer 2012

status of second-class citizens. And their choices on Election Day will have a huge impact on our fight to build a brighter future for LGBT Americans. Whoever controls the White House and Congress will determine not only the fate of important LGBT legislation but also of crucial HIV/AIDS funding, and the future makeup of the U.S. Supreme Court — which could soon be handing down major decisions on marriage equality and other LGBT rights issues. Regardless of the results on Nov. 6, the struggle for LGBT civil rights will continue onward. But the outcome could mean the difference between winning full equality in a few years or a few decades — whether we move forward now or later to protect LGBT people from workplace discrimination, to make every school a welcoming place free from bullying, namecalling and discrimination, and to make the rights and respect that come with marriage available to every family in our nation. So as Americans prepare to go to the polls, I’m asking you to please step up your personal commitment to fairness. Talk to the people in your life — family, friends, neighbors and co-workers — about how much this election means to LGBT fami-

lies. And strengthen your support of HRC’s vital work to change hearts and minds, elect more champions of equality and achieve equal rights for all. Thank you for continuing to stand with HRC and the LGBT civil rights movement at this critical moment in our nation’s history. Together, we will win a decisive victory for equality, justice and future generations of LGBT Americans. Sincerely,

Chad Griffin President P.S. As Election Day approaches, anti-LGBT forces are ratcheting up their campaign of hate and lies. To prevail against their bigotry, we need every fair-minded person to boost their commitment to equality right now. So please rush a special donation to HRC today in the envelope provided. Better yet, give online at www.hrc.org/ summer to put your gift to work right away. Thank you!

Photo: HRC


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