Dare To Believe May 2015 Edition of Houston Business Connections Newspaper

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Acres Homes Support for Ben Hall Continues To Grow! HOUSTON - Recently, legendary Acres Homes' leader, Dr. F. N. Williams, Sr., a man who walked with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., during the civil rights struggle, announced his endorsement of Ben Hall for Houston Mayor. Dr. Williams, a person whose name is synonymous with Acres Homes and a fighter for justice in this city, said his decision to support Hall was easy given Ben Hall's demonstrated commitment to the community. Dr. Williams said, "I have been impressed with Ben Hall for more than 20 years. He is a husband, father and great businessman. He is an excellent lawyer and will fight for the citizens like he WILLIAMS does in court. I am confident he will make a superb Mayor and will continue to fight for all the people of Houston." BEN HALL: “Dr. William's endorsement of our campaign is significant. His reputation throughout the Acres Homes community and City will help move our campaign forward.”

“Gov. Greg Abbott holding our Governor’s Cup”


Governor Greg Abbott Accepts Site Selection’s Governor’s Cup On Behalf Of State Of Texas AUSTIN -- Governor Greg Abbott recently accepted the 2014 Governor’s Cup, an award given annually by Site Selection Magazine to recognize the top performing state for capital investment attraction in a season that lasts all year. 2014 was the third year in a row and sixth year since 2004 that Texas has been honored with the award. “I’m honored to accept Site Selection Governor’s Cup on behalf of the people of Texas,” Governor Abbott said. “It’s no surprise Texas is again named the top state for the most new and expanded corporate facilities – this is the third year in a row Texas ranked #1 and the sixth time in the last 11 years. Unleashing the power of entrepreneurs and innovators and securing Texans’ freedom to aspire is the model of success for Texas, and I’m confident Texas will continue to lead the nation.”

Governor Abbott Statement On Tom Mechler’s Election As State Party Chairman AUSTIN -- Former Republican Party of Texas Treasurer Tom Mechler was today elected to serve as GOP Chairman following the resignation of former Chairman Steve Munisteri. Governor Greg Abbott issued the following statement: “Cecilia and I extend our sincerest congratulations to Tom Mechler on his election to serve the state of Texas and the Republican Party as the next Chairman. Having faithfully served as the Party’s MECHLER Treasurer for many years, Tom will not only strengthen the Party, but he will help continue the momentum of our state’s Republican victories and preserve the very values that have made Texas the greatest state in the nation to live, work and raise a family. I look forward to working with Chairman Mechler and the rest of the Republican Party of Texas to ensure the future of our beloved state is even bigger, better and brighter than ever before.”

“Congressman Kevin Brady holding his 2015 “True Blue” Award” 114 Representatives, 11 Senators Win FRC Action’s ‘True Blue’ Award for Unwavering Support of the Family

gious freedom won in the Supreme Court’s Hobby Lobby decision • Votes to stop activist judges from being appointed to the federal bench

WASHINGTON, D.C. – FRC Action and AFA Action honored Members of Congress with their “True Blue” award for the Member’s unwavering commitment and consistent support of faith, family and freedom. In all, 114 representatives and 11 senators were honored with the award for the 113th Congress, scoring a perfect 100 percent on this year’s scorecard.

Family Research Council Action President Tony Perkins made the following comments:

Votes in the U.S. House included: • 2013 Ban on abortion on pain-capable unborn children • Preventing the appointment of nonreligious, atheist military chaplains • Delaying Obamacare and protecting conscience rights • Blocking federal funds from paying for elective abortion • Votes to prevent the relaxation of marijuana laws Votes in the U.S. Senate included: • Blocking an amendment to the Constitution that would have limited American’s First Amendment right to engage in government • Votes to defund and delay Obamacare • Stopping attempts to roll back reli-

“We thank these Members of Congress for consistently voting to defend and advance faith, family and freedom. These ‘True Blue Members’ have voted to delay Obamacare, protect the unborn, and stand for religious liberty. “FRC and the thousands of families that we represent applaud these Members for their unwavering commitment to faith, family and freedom,” concluded Perkins. American Family Association Action President Tim Wildmon made the following comments: “Our country so desperately needs lawmakers and elected officials who will stand up for the moral issues that are shaping our society. These leaders have helped preserve life, protect religious liberties and promote families, and for this, we thank them.”

To view a copy of the Vote Scorecard, visit http://www.frcaction.org/scorecard.

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