Houston Business Connections (ONE AMERICA) "Leaders Celebrating Freedom Together Series" PART 1 of 3

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PROUD AMERICANS Q&A With Congressman Kevin Brady

AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Congressman Brady, can you share your thoughts on freedom and what it means to you? CONGRESSMAN KEVIN BRADY: Freedom is everything. But what Freedom will never be is free. Freedom is a precious gift that our veterans and our fallen have secured for us and continue to secure for us. Being an American is about being free. Martin Luther King, Junior said “we must straighten our backs and work for our freedom.” He was so right that “a man can't ride you unless your back is bent.” As Americans we must always stand proud and tall for freedom and against injustice. We must have faith to take the harder path with the greatest rewards. Being a servant leader will never be the easy path, but it is the most rewarding path. Serving my constituents and my state in Washington, DC is an honor that I do not take lightly. It’s my duty to preserve freedom for all Americans. As Dr. King said “The time is always right to do what is right.” That time is now. AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Congressman Brady, why are you proud to be an American? CONGRESSMAN KEVIN BRADY: I first understood why I’m proud of being American from my mom. In 1967, my world changed when dad took on a difficult case for our local church. While helping an elderly woman escape an abusive marriage, we were repeatedly threatened. Mom even learned to use a gun, just in case. When the trial started, this angry man burst into the courtroom, killed his wife, killed my father and shot the judge – who thankfully lived. His actions left our mom to raise five children by herself – ages 14 to 3. I tell you this because being an American is about making my fiercely independent and determined mother proud. She kept five kids on the straight and narrow with a good offensive. She had us serving our community from morning to night. For me, it was Boy Scouts, altar boy at two churches, year-round sports and student government. In our community, if a club or activity existed, it was a good bet you’d find a Brady kid there. She taught each of us to be independent, optimistic, to have faith in God and to give back. Everything I am. Everything I know about being an American, I owe my mom.

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