2 minute read

David's Deliberations

‘Building Back Better.’ This government slogan, echoing that first coined at the Third UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction in 2015, represents the idea that there has been so much damage to our society, its institutions, its economic well-being, such a heavy toll taken by the coronavirus pandemic, that substantial rebuilding is required and that this, challenging and costly as it may be, can nevertheless be an opportunity to build a better society. Of course, this seemingly simple phrase begs many questions: who defines ‘better’ for instance, or who bears the cost? But, in principle, I’m sure most of us would agree with the positive intention it describes.


Our own Chester Diocese coined a similar phrase during the period when churches were closed: looking ahead to the time when we could once again go back to church, we have been encouraged to aim for ‘Back to Better’. Again an easy slogan, but one which I believe holds out real hope and possibility for us at a challenging time.

Here at Pott Shrigley we are, to an extent, ‘back’. In fact, St Christopher’s was quite quick to restart activities in our building almost as soon as these were permitted. From mid-June, church has been open daily and some of our weddings are thankfully now taking place. Our 8.30 Sunday service recommenced in early July followed two weeks later by the 10.45, with the very popular live-stream and recording of this continuing for the benefit of many who can’t physically be in church.

All this is very encouraging – and a real tribute to a marvellous team which has worked so hard to bring it about. A huge effort, but in reality these are just our first small steps towards a fuller resumption of our church’s life; the limits on numbers and on social interaction, the masks, the constant sanitizing of everything, all are very constraining. But we are grateful for what we have, and we approach with faith the challenges that are still to come.

One way to view what lies ahead is that it will be a time of building God’s church: rebuilding some of what we had in the past certainly, but also newly-building in light of God’s plans for us.

Building Back Better, if you like! Of course, any building which is to last must be based on solid foundations and this spiritual building work is no exception. Those foundations are our basic Christian beliefs; it is so important that those are always at the heart of all we do as a church, and that we are clear what they are. With this in mind we will be revisiting these basic beliefs this autumn in a six-part sermon series entitled ‘Firm Foundations’. Each part will focus on one fundamental Christian belief. Head over to our service details (on page 34, or see our website: www. pottshrigleychurch.org.uk) to see the first few parts, starting on 6th September, and then continuing on (with a break for our Harvest Festival on the 20th) through into October.

I hope – online or in person – you will tune in to these sermons, and make sure that you have got those Firm Foundations in place yourself!

Your friend and vicar,David.