Harvard Public Health, Spring/Summer 2012

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ublic health centers on improving the physical and mental well-being of people everywhere. But even

©Corey Hendrickson

Singular Vision The Spring/Summer 2012 issue also showcases alumna Kate Powis and master’s candidate Rob Buelow,

with this deep-rooted interest in the common good,

who recast their lives to recast the public health

it often takes visionary individuals to pave the way to

enterprise. The Q&A with environmental epidemiologist

scientific breakthroughs and policy reform. This issue of

Philippe Grandjean illuminates how a scientific hunch

the magazine features Harvard School of Public Health

led to a major new direction in environmental health

faculty and students who are striking out in new directions

research. And the Off the Cuff quote from molecular

in their mission to improve the health of many.

entomologist Flaminia Catteruccia reveals how creativity

The cover story on health policy eminence

and persistence in the mosquito-breeding lab may usher

Bill Hsiao portrays a man who combines economic erudition with patience, tact, and a singularly humane touch—all in the service of promoting enlightened

in new methods for controlling malaria. The essence of public health has always been a comprehensive curiosity, motivated by a desire to change the world. But as this issue of the magazine

It often takes far-seeing individuals to clear the way for scientific breakthroughs and policy reform.

reminds us, the engine of scientific progress is fueled by individual passion. Speaking of creative visions, we are pleased to introduce a lively new look for the Harvard Public Health Review—and a sleek new title: Harvard Public Health. These changes reflect our desire to better showcase

health care among governments throughout the world. The feature on “big data” showcases HSPH researchers Sarah Fortune, Winston Hide, Victor De Gruttola, Pardis Sabeti, and doctoral student David Reshef, who are

the School’s dedicated experts, who are educating new generations of public health leaders and producing powerful ideas to protect the health and improve the lives of all people.

drawing on fresh approaches to analyze giant datasets for hidden clues to disease. Three of the School’s leading practitioners in humanitarian relief—Jennifer Leaning, Mike Van Rooyen, and Parveen Parmar— discuss the frontline challenges of making their visions a reality.

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Julio Frenk Dean of the Faculty and T & G Angelopoulos Professor of Public Health and International Development, Harvard School of Public Health

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