1 minute read

The Future of Money

How the Digital Revolution Is Transforming Currencies and Finance

Eswar S. Prasad


An Economist Best Book of the Year

A Financial Times Book of the Year

A Foreign Affairs Book of the Year

“Money shapes economies, economies shape nations, nations shape history. It follows that the future of money is profoundly important. Here is a definitive report on where we are and where we are going.”

—Lawrence H. Summers, former Secretary of the Treasury

“Prasad manages to make the financial system intelligible and interesting without resorting to shortcuts and exaggeration.…A strength of his analysis is his mastery of both technical details and big-picture tradeoffs…Previous overhauls mainly improved existing systems, he notes. The end of cash—likely within a decade or two—is revolutionary.”



The world of finance is on the cusp of a major disruption that will affect corporations, bankers, states—indeed, all of us. As Eswar Prasad makes clear, the end of physical cash will fundamentally rewrite how we live. Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other cryptocurrencies are just the beginning: spurred by their emergence, central banks will increasingly develop their own, more stable digital currencies. Meanwhile, cryptocurrencies themselves will evolve dramatically as global corporations like Facebook, Apple, and Amazon join the game.

Prasad shows how these innovations will redefine the very concept of money, unbundling its traditional functions. This transformation promises greater efficiency and flexibility, but also carries the risk of instability, lack of accountability, and erosion of privacy. A lucid, visionary work, The Future of Money shows how to maximize the best and guard against the worst of what is to come.

Eswar S. Prasad is the Tolani Senior Professor of Trade Policy and Professor of Economics at Cornell University and a Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution. A research associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research and former head of the IMF’s China division, he is the author of Gaining Currency: The Rise of the Renminbi and The Dollar Trap: How the U.S. Dollar Tightened Its Grip on Global Finance.