Halfstack Magazine

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ate your relationship, or your list. They’re not all multimillionaire gymnast supermodels. Let’s be realistic. Finally, relax; be positive and confident in your ability to succeed. Brian Lee of geniustypes.com advocates that the most attractive people are the ones that are truly comfortable with themselves. Confidence attracts confidence and people who are

independent and self assured (not conceited) are in the position to focus on their partner without being dependent. If your self-esteem isn’t quite up to the task yet, take some time for reflection and work on yourself. Let’s make 2012 the year that we stop stressing out and start enjoying our relationships and ourselves.

Graphic Design by Kate Roth

Well, all the pain of grooming and leaving the hermit hideout is over, now what? It’s time to figure out what you want in a partner. A hole (or pole) and a heartbeat is not an acceptable answer if you’re looking for lasting love. Alice Gorman (oprah.com) suggests that you write 100 things that you’re looking for in a mate on a piece of paper and hide it away for a while. That way, if you’re ever in doubt that the person you’re with is the right one, pull out the list and see how many qualities they have. If they’re not even close to your list, it’s time to reevalu-

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