Georgia Tech Alumni Magazine Vol. 88, No. 02 2012

Page 59

Cody is a human’s best friend. Built in the Healthcare Robotics Lab, it moves around on a small, wheeled base from Segway and features human-like arms from Meka Robotics that respond to the touch. It’s designed to work with caregivers, or other humans, autonomously navigating around a hospital or home and performing helpful tasks.

[ Fig. 1 ]

When the Online Universities website recently published a list of “20 Colleges with Really Cool Robots,” Tech was prominent on the list. “We may one day look back on Georgia Tech as the place our war with robots started,” the listing joked. But Tech’s many robots aren’t threatening. They’re playing a critical role in helping the Institute’s researchers and students create the health care, manufacturing and defense technologies of the future. Here, we introduce you to just a few of the robots that are building the world of tomorrow. Find yourself smiling at these guys’ oddly human faces? Just go with it. Resistance is futile.



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