Volunteer 411 2012-2013

Page 12

Troop Travel Travel—whether it be around town or around the world—can be an enriching and educational Girl Scout pathway. Of course, there are program standards and procedures that you should follow to ensure that the experience is safe, fun, and rewarding for all. For All Trips (including in-town field trips) Make sure that you receive a signed Parent/Guardian Permission Slip for each girl before departure. In addition, keep the following vehicle guidelines in mind: • Girl Scouts of the USA recommends 2 adults per car. • There must be least one adult with current CPR/ First Aid registration traveling with the group. • Each vehicle should have a First Aid kit.

Bright idea: Check out pages 22–24 for local activity ideas! GSMH’s Leadership & Learning Specialists are great resources for other field trip or service project ideas. Just give her/him a call! For Day Trips of 50+ Miles & Simple Overnights A troop travel application must be submitted to your volunteer service team manager for approval (preferably 4 weeks in advance). If there is no service team manager, or of the service team manager is a participant in the trip, the application should be submitted to a GSMH leadership and learning specialist.

Field Trip Check List At Least 4-6 Weeks Before Trip □□ With girl input, establish purpose of trip. □□ Discuss finances with girls and families. □□ Review troop travel procedures. □□ If required, submit troop travel application. □□ If needed, purchase Mutual of Omaha non-member insurance or additional accident and sickness coverage through HR/benefits coordinator. 3-4 Weeks Before Trip □□ Have girls practice any new skills that will be used. □□ Secure adult participants with proper training. □□ Inform parents of upcoming trip/event; distribute permission slips and instructions. □□ Secure transportation. □□ Identify emergency contacts for trip. □□ Inventory first-aid kits (1 per car). Day of Trip □□ Make sure that: Leader has □□ A permission slip for each girl. □□ A health history form for each girl. □□ Emergency contact information for each driver.

For Trips 100+ Miles Outside Council Jurisdiction, 3+ Nights, or International A troop travel application must be submitted for approval by both your volunteer service team manager and a staff leadership and learning specialist. Please complete the troop travel application at least 4 weeks in advance for domestic trips; 12 weeks for international trips.

First-Aider has □□ Troop/group first-aid kit. □□ Girls’ medications in original containers with directions, including over-the-counter.

Additional accident & sickness insurance coverage must be purchased through Mutual of Omaha for trips lasting 3 or more nights. Please contact the GSMH HR/ benefits coordinator for more information.

Each driver/car has □□ A seat belt/car seat for each girl in car. □□ A trip itinerary and map. □□ A first-aid kit. □□ Site rules (preferably written) to review with girls.

General Travel Guidelines Complete travel guidelines are included in Chapter 4 of Volunteer Essentials. The troop travel application also includes important information for longer trips.


The emergency contact person has □□ Copies of permission slips. □□ Trip itinerary with contact information (not just cell phones!).

□□ GO AND HAVE FUN! After Trip □□ Evaluate the trip with your girls to help them learn from their experience.

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