Listening Post Spring/Summer 2011

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from the past

board chair

Immediate Past President of the Board Maria completed her term of service to GSACPC at the annual meeting in April.

How does one say goodbye to a leadership role of a lifetime? I’ve served a mission that is so aligned with my purpose, values and vision for girls and women. It was here that I came to take a leap of faith in myself.

summer 2011

In part, that leap of faith evolved from two things. The first is I actually overcame my fear of heights by taking a 50’ off the “Leap of Faith” at Willow Springs challenge course. I figured if our girls and volunteers could do it, then I had to do it too. It was both a terrifying and glorious moment all at the same time. The second thing that happened? I attended our Coming Into Your Own inner leadership retreat where I explored my path and what was calling me next. The question in Mary Oliver’s poem deeply resonated: “Tell me, what do you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” I realized I was playing too small. I came to believe in my own collaborative leadership style and that gave me the courage to say YES to co-lead this council with our visionary CEO, Tamara Woodbury.

listening post


As your board chair the last four years, I have been stretched to the depths of my soul and found I had more inner strength and resolve than I imagined possible. All leadership journeys are a series of challenges, successes and occasional mistakes. Being a leader doesn’t mean being perfect, but good leaders own up to their mistakes, clean up their messes, learn from the experience and move forward. I’m sharing this because I want you to believe in your own ability to take the lead in whatever you care about. Take a leap of faith in yourself. Don’t play too small. As Frances Hesselbein says, “See yourself life-sized.” Wear your leadership capacity like the biggest badge on your sash. Lead not with ego. Lead with your style of leadership, with your authentic values, with your flame of purpose and your own positive values and vision. You won’t regret it and it will be a life-changing experience both for you and those you serve.

So, how does one say goodbye to the leadership role of a lifetime? With a grateful heart. I am grateful to my family for their support. I’m grateful to my colleagues on our board of directors for their commitment and courageous and bold leadership on behalf of our girls and volunteers. I am grateful for our remarkable staff for their unfailing leadership, support and guidance these past four years. I am especially grateful to you – our girls and volunteers – who inspired me to be the best I could be for you. You deserve nothing less. While I am saying goodbye to this role, I am definitely not saying goodbye to our Council. There is work to be done, things to contribute. I’ll be there but the hallmark of a good leader is to know when it is time to be a good follower. The time is now and it is with pride that I pass the “leadership baton” to the right person at the right time. Please welcome Margaret Serrano-Foster. She will lead this council with skill and a true love for all that Girl Scouting has been and all it can become.

Maria Carpenter Ort, Immediate Past Board Chair

from your new

board chair It is a great privilege to move into the role of President of the Girl Scouts–Arizona CactusPine Council. As I have served on the Board for the past 6 years, it has been exciting to watch our Council continue to grow as a leadership organization that is model for other councils nationwide.

I have also seen that the leadership skills we teach in Girl Scouting are among the best-kept secrets in Arizona! Many people know us for our cookie sale and camps, but not nearly as many know us for the great work we do to develop the life skills, innovation and self-esteem needed to build girls of courage, confidence and character who make the world a continued on next page

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