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Alumni Wine

Special thanks to our 2022 alumni wine label artist

Shannon Thiesen (BEd ’12) is an artist, a fifth-grade grade teacher, and 2016’s UFV Young Distinguished Alumni Award recipient. She graduated from UFV’s Teacher Education program in 2012 and has since gained a Graduate Diploma in Arts Integration and a Master’s degree in Imaginative Education from SFU. Inspired by the BC landscape and fueled by the energy of her students, Thiesen believes art and creativity can amplify voices and spark change.

Introducing our 2023 alumni wine label artist

Danielle Deschamps (Cert ABT ’15) began her journey in art by learning to knit and sew with her grandmother as a child in Northern Ontario. Since then, she discovered watercolour media in her adult life, finding inspiration in the natural beauty of British Columbia. She enjoys sharing this passion with other amazing artists and continues to study watercolour at workshops. The flowers featured in the paintings on this year’s labels are white roses and apple blossoms, which she saw on a trip to White Rock.