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134 • THE LIVER AND GALLBLADDER MIRACLE CLEANSE Colosan releases large amounts of oxygen in the intestinal tract, thereby eliminating old fecal material as well as parasites and hardened mucus (see Suppliers List in the Appendix). Oxypowder is a similar product that works just as well. 4. Another method of cleansing, which uses Epsom salts, cleanses not only the colon but also the small intestine. This may become necessary if you have major difficulties absorbing food, have repeated kidney/bladder congestion, experience severe constipation, or are simply unable to do a colonic. For 3 weeks, add 1 teaspoon of oral Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) to 1 glass of warm water and drink this first thing in the morning. This oral enema flushes your entire digestive tract and colon, from top to bottom, usually within an hour, prompting you to eliminate several times. It clears out even some of the plaque and debris from the intestinal walls, along with the parasites that have been living there. Expect the stools to be watery for as long as there is intestinal waste to be disposed of. Stools adopt a more normal shape and consistency once the entire intestinal tract is clean. This treatment can be done 2 to 3 times per year. Expect some cramps or gas formation, at times, while on this cleanse (a result of releasing toxins). Your tongue may become white-coated and be thicker than normal. This indicates increased intestinal cleansing. Epsom salts are not tolerated by everyone. 5. Castor oil is a traditionally used, excellent remedy to clear waste material from the intestines. It is less irritating than Epsom salts and has no side effects other than normal cleansing reactions. Take 1 to 3 teaspoons of castor oil in 1/3 glass of warm water on an empty stomach in the morning or before going to sleep at night (depending on which works better for you). It is a very beneficial treatment for stubborn cases of constipation. It can also be given to children (in smaller dosages). Although it is not recommended to replace Epsom salts with any other intestinal cleanser during the

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