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of Gallstones

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more ideal filtering devices, you may need to contact your local dealer for water filters or check out my book Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation. The mineral boron removes fluoride from the body. The most absorbable form of boron is ionic boron, as made available by Eniva, for example (see the Appendix). A decongesting diet according to body type,11 regular sleeping and eating habits, and stress-free living conditions are essential for recovery.

Lifestyle Disrupting the Biological Clock The way we organize and live our lives has a tremendous impact on how the body functions. Its efficiency and performance largely depend on predetermined biological rhythms that are in synchrony with the circadian rhythms of nature. Circadian rhythms are closely linked with the movements of our planet around the sun. They are also influenced by the motions of the moon and the other planets in relation to the position of the earth. Our body follows more than a thousand such 24-hour rhythms. Each individual rhythm controls the timing of an aspect of our body's functions, including heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature, hormone levels, secretion of digestive juices, and even pain threshold. All these rhythms are well coordinated with one another and are controlled by the brain's "pacemaker device," known as suprachiasmatic nuclei. This area of the brain regulates the firing of nerve cells that seem to set the clocks of our biological rhythms. If one rhythm becomes somewhat disrupted, other rhythms are thrown off balance, too. In fact, numerous disorders can arise from interference with one or more of our biological rhythms because of an unbalanced, irregular lifestyle.

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