Stillpoint Spring 2014

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“Our mantra around here is that culture is upstream of politics, so if you want to affect the political landscape and morals of a country you have to actively be involved in promoting the common good in culture.” MOLLY CONNOLLY ’13

Molly Connolly ’13

Creative consultant • D.C. On the side: Folk-rock violinist and keyboardist (with The Lighthouse and the Whaler)

“Our mantra around here,” says Molly Connolly, “is that culture is upstream of politics, so if you want to affect the political landscape and morals of a country you have to actively be involved in promoting the common good in culture.” “Here” is the Clapham Group, a Washington, D.C.-based consulting firm that promotes the good, true, and beautiful through culture, community, and compassion. Her job with Clapham followed an internship last summer with Wedgwood Circle, a related D.C.-based nonprofit. Molly’s projects involve, most fundamentally, “working across ideological and party lines to pursue the common good.” So far, she’s worked to get faith communities more involved with the Humane Society’s vision of sustainable agriculture; been involved in supporting the efforts of the College Board; and organized roundtable discussions at which political and policy leaders tackle issues like foster care, juvenile justice, and career and technical education.

Gina Kulig Bradley ’01

Financial services • Boston Loves to sing

A political science major at Gordon, Gina Bradley earned a law degree and then embarked on a career in the finance industry. She currently is chief operating officer, general counsel, and a principal of The Colony Group, a Boston-based wealth-management firm, where she provides operational and financial management services, as well as legal counsel that focuses on corporate, employment, and securities-related matters. “I work behind the scenes,” she says, “to ensure that The Colony Group’s operations, technology, and client service exceed our clients’ expectations and are worthy of the trust they’ve placed in us.” Always striving for a healthy balance between work and home, Gina most enjoys being with her husband and three little ones, and also is involved in her local church in Needham, Massachusetts. “And in the odd quiet moment,” she says, “I relish being caught up in a great novel.”


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