August 2013 Brangus Journal

Page 31

2013 National Junior Brangus Show


Summer Vacation

by Adrian WHIPPLE

2012-2013 IJBBA REPORTER ummer vacation for some folks means going to a majestic, far away destination and playing in the sand, getting a nice tan, and not having a care in the world. Well, for others, summer vacation is similar consisting of a little time in the sand but not the nice beach sand thanks to green, frisky calves and a nice farmer’s tan, but with hard work and drive behind every action. For many people across the country, NJBS is the preferred summer vacation because it means a week of fun with Brangus friends and family alongside the opportunity to shine as a result of all the hard work we put in. The week started out with exhibitor orientation, contest check in, opening ceremonies, and “Casino Night” rounded out a successful Monday and first official day of NJBS. Bright and early at 8:00 a.m. sharp, Tuesday’s activities began with a competitive Team Fitting competition presenting the judges with the ultimate challenge of narrowing down the selection to three top teams. Director interviews, public speaking, Taste of States and the much anticipated Barnyard Olympics made for a busy and tiring rest of the day sending all to bed with a heavy head ready for a nights rest and recovery, for Wednesday was Bred and Owned and SOC show day. Skill-A-Thon, Calcutta Auction and Brangus Jeopardy gave exhibitors the opportunity to unwind and test their skills for the remainder of Wednesday afternoon. Thursday morning began with the Owned Female and Bull shows followed by the Cow/Calf Pair show and the Livestock Judging Contest to follow soon afterward. After months of preparation, the Source of Champions Sale finished out Thursday evening with beautiful heifer consignments as well as numerous semen lots to be auctioned in benefit of the juniors. The last contest of NJBS b e g a n Friday morning- showmanship, giving all exhibitors the opportunity to shine as an individual and prove they and their animal have a relationship and understanding from hard work at home. Friday night was the much anticipated NJBS Awards Banquet and Meeting. Places were announced and prizes were awarded to deserving exhibitors and individuals. The 20122013 IJBBA Board waved farewell, and the 2013-2014 Board of Directors took office, accepting the challenges the year had in store for them. NJBS is the ultimate vacation, challenge and experience to build lasting foundations, friendships and leaders. We may live miles and miles apart, but we are all near and dear to the heart serving as not only friends, but also the Brangus family. Best friends and competitors, we strive to better ourselves and our abilities and also build up those around us pushing them to their very best. A new exhibitor and now good friend approached me after our week in West Monroe and expressed the new love she has for the Brangus association. After participating in other breed shows throughout the year, she has come to the conclusion that Brangus is the best of all. She expressed the gratitude she feels for the kindness and love shown toward her and her family, making them feel completely at home. The list of similar scenarios goes on, and the amount of new friends made and relationships kindled is endless. The experiences had at NJBS will reward you, push you to do even better and leave an impression on you. Whatever outlook you may gain, I hope it is all that you wanted it to be. I hope you treat each day like show day, speak like you are inspiring millions, and whatever you do, that you do it with all of your heart. Before you know it, NJBS will be here once again, ready to give us one more shot.


AUGUST 2013 | 29

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