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from the editor

oN CUE m i S SY W i L K i N S o N |



hen I was 11 years old, an English assignment provoked my first case of writer’s block. The finished product did not come out well. My mom said the problem was that I hadn’t written what I knew. She gave me some blank notebook paper and a copy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have A Dream” speech, with instructions to read it and start over from scratch. I still prime the creative pump by reading examples of the literary genre I’m tackling. Lately, I’ve been reading Lady Gaga’s columns for V Magazine. They’ve been criticized for sounding pretentious, arrogant, defensive and weird: “If you were to ask me to remove my Philip Treacy hat at a party, in truth it is the emotional and physical equivalent of requesting I remove my liver,” she writes. The letters are a little of all these things, but they’re also sincere, and to write honestly about an industry characterized by artifice takes guts. While literary and art criticism are academic institutions, very little attention is devoted to fashion criticism. I can guess why — not because fashion is a lesser art, but because it hits too close to home. It protects our bodies

and projects our identities, so taking it too seriously makes most people squeamish. Few want to take that hard a look at themselves. And when you analyze a society’s fashion, its aesthetic of beauty, the price of clothing and its means of production, this is precisely what you must do.

m A r G o d U B o S | pu b lish er editor

dorA SiSoN |


K A N dAc e p o W e r G r Av eS m anaging editor contributing writers

Lee cUtroNe

production director

micheLe SLoNSKi

adverti si ng a dmi n istr ato r 4 83 -3 140

chriStiN JohNSoN

adverti si ng co o r d i nato r 4 83 -3 13 8


acco u n t e x e c u t i v e s

L i N d S e Y dA r N e L L

JiLL GieGer

production gr aphic designers

S h e r i e d e L Ac r o i x-A L fA r o , L i N d S AY W e i S S , LY N B r A N t L e Y, Britt BeNoit, mArK WAGUeSpAcK pre- press coordinator

meredith L Apre d i s p l ay a dv e r t i s i n g

S A N dY S t e i N B r o N d U m advertising director 4 83 -315 0

senior account executive 4 83 -3 13 1

JeffreY pizzo 4 83 -3 145 AmY WeNdeL 4 83 -3 146 L i N d A L Ac h i N 4 83 -3 142 ABBY SheffieLd 4 83 -3 141 J e N N i f e r m Ac K e Y 4 83 -3 143 meGAN mic ALe 4 83 -3 14 4

GAMBIT | 3923 B ieNviLLe Stree t | N e W orLe ANS, L A 70119 5 04.4 86.5900 |

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CUE 09

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