FSU 2009-2014 Strategic Plan Book

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Initiative 3 – Attract and Retain Faculty/ Staff: FSU will attract and retain highlyqualified faculty and staff by improving working conditions and providing effective programs of faculty and staff professional development. FSU will strive to be an employer of choice for faculty and staff by implementing effective recruitment procedures, promoting shared governance, and supporting continuous improvements in working conditions, salary equity, and professional development activities for all employees that will increase the retention of faculty and staff. Principal Accountability Indicators By 2014: 1. Increase the percentage of employees with high levels of satisfaction with their employment at FSU and who rate the overall quality of FSU’s programs and services as very high on survey instruments 2. Seek to improve the salaries of faculty and staff as compared to peer institutions 3. Increase the number of faculty and staff members who participate in professional development activities 4. Increase the support for research and professional activities

Initiative 4 – Enhance Attractiveness to Students: FSU will enhance its attractiveness to prospective students by strengthening all existing academic programs, especially in high-need areas, such as teacher education, nursing, and business; by developing new programs in science, technology, entrepreneurship, the social sciences, and other emerging areas; and, by providing educational experiences that prepare graduates for lifelong learning, community service, and global citizenship. FSU will provide academically rigorous and relevant programs that address the wide variety of higher education needs in southeastern North Carolina and beyond. The university will develop new courses, concentrations, certificate programs, on-line degrees and new degree programs based on these needs. Principal Accountability Indicators By 2014: 1. Increase the levels of student involvement in educational practices that will enable them to compete effectively in the global economy through exposure to diverse beliefs, values, languages and cultures, internships, service learning, clinical experiences, and study abroad 2. Increase the levels of personal growth of students in writing, speaking, thinking critically and analytically, analyzing quantitative data, and other professional development skills 3. Increase the number of graduates in areas needed to advance southeastern North Carolina’s competitiveness in the global economy, including needs identified by UNC Tomorrow and BRAC 4. Increase ratings on measures used to assess the quality and productivity of academic programs, including specialized accreditation 5. Increase the number of on-line degree programs and certificate programs


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