1 minute read


BORN c.1975, Papunya

LANGUAGE GROUP Luritja, Ngaanyatjarra


Maisie Ward Nungurrayi was born in Papunya and is the daughter of Dr George Ward Tjapaltjarri, a well known artist and Ngangkari or medicine man. Her mother passed away when she was just 16. Maisie paints “stories from her mother’s country – Kulkuta near Tjukurla, and Tingari one from father’s country – Junti – I can paint it.”

Maisie is connected to some of the major figures of the early Papunya arts movement. Her older brothers, George Ward Tjungurrayi, Yala Yala Gibbs and Willy Tjungurrayi, were among the first artists to paint for the Papunya Tula arts cooperative in the early 1970s.

Rockhole, 2022 acrylic on canvas

