5 minute read

Financial update

The first quarter of 2023 was not only busy, but also exciting here at First Presbyterian Church of Naples! We launched our 2023 Generosity Campaign –GrowingTogetherJoyfully, hosted The SaintJohn’sBiblededication weekend, and watched our regular programs, events, and outreach continue to expand.

Many of you have jumped in already by sharing your time, talents, and treasure and we thank you for that. We’ve received over 230 pledges, totaling over $1.21M, and several of you have already fulfilled your 2023 pledges, which we truly appreciate. As we shared during the campaign presentations by the speakers and in the videos, your contributions play a vital role in supporting our programs and ministry here and we are excited that you share our vision and participate in such a generous way. As we wrap up this campaign and move forward, please know that it’s never too late to submit a pledge card.


Below, we have provided the summary financials through the end of the first quarter of 2023, which provides a snapshot of our current financial position. While offerings are less than what we have budgeted, we realize that the budget is based on each of the twelve months in the year coming in equally and historically we receive the largest portion of offerings towards the end of the year. We are pleased to report that our YTD expenses are well within budget.

We remain confident that all of you will continue to partner with us and will generously support the ministries and missions of FPCN: intheHeartofNaples withtheLoveofGod:weworship,welove, wegrow,weserve.

Doug Jensen, Finance Committee Chair Debbie Savage, Director of Finance

Enjoy this article from the IFHA website...

Jean Kasten had visited the Helping Hands Ministry quilters one day in 2018, where she first met IFHA Board Member Betty Mangos, who was speaking of the heartbreaking conditions in Immokalee and the IFHA plan to build homes to overcome poverty.

“There were multiple families in the same run-down trailers, with strange men living there too! Who thought this was a good idea?” said Jean.

Then Board Member Cleve Cleveland and Betty made the presentation at First Presbyterian when both Jean and her husband Les were in attendance.

The couple was interested and truly taken with the need, but they were reluctant to commit to a donation until there was real progress on the site. They kept up to date with the status of the project, but wanted to know it was going to happen. In 2021, this dynamic couple decided the time had come, and they bought in with a donation. They were even more convinced in 2022 and donated again, and are now excited to see their contributions paying off.

“We wanted to know the project would succeed, and sure enough, the walls are going up!” they said.

Jean and Les plan to continue to provide support and they look forward to seeing the first families moving in later this year. Can you believe it? The Kastens do!

It is interesting to see where our donations are coming from and what motivated these donors to choose IFHA.

A former patent attorney with a center city Philadelphia law firm, Les retired early, but worked part time for many years, primarily teaching and mentoring younger lawyers in the firm. Most of his work during this time was done from the couple’s home outside of Philadelphia, or their second home on the Outer Banks, which they sold in 2012.

While in the Philadelphia area, Les was a regular with Habitat for Humanity. He served as an elder at their church there, and along with several other churches, they committed to building two Habitat houses from scratch. Les can tell some interesting stories about his experiences with Habitat!

The couple became snowbirds in 2014 and made Naples their primary residence in 2017. Both Les and Jean served as deacons of First Presbyterian Church of Naples.

We are proud to have this wonderful couple among our supporters!

Feed the 5,000

Suggested items are:

Canned tuna, ham, chicken

Baby formula (all varieties)


Pasta and pasta sauce


This month we are helping to restock the food pantry of The Shelter for Abused Women & Children.

Ushers will have a list available as you leave the Sanctuary the first Sunday of May. Food donations will be collected at the 6th Street church entrance on the second Sunday of the month, May 14.

If you prefer, monetary donations can be made online at www.fpcnaples.org/give or checks may be made payable to "First Presbyterian Church" with the memo marked "Feed the 5,000" and placed in the collection plate.

Peanut butter & jelly

Juice/juice boxes


Canned chili

Ketchup, mayonnaise, Mustard

Macaroni & cheese

Coffee (regular & decaf)

We will return to church by 12:30 p.m. Sign up in Spencer Hall at the Missions table or contact

Denver, Colorado. They were joined by Dr. Jovita Toledo, a dentist from Guatemala City, as well as a team of nurses, two medical students from Guatemala and medical translators. The team was able to care for 590 patients over 4 days. Our church provided the medications that were distributed to the people in the mountains of Camotàn. The team with prenatal vitamins.

Dr. Speake is looking forward to returning again with another team in

In 2023, the Deacons are focusing on HOPE as one of the most central Christian themes, one of the fruits of the Spirit. There is perhaps no better reassurance relating to HOPE in the Bible than the wellknown language of Jeremiah 29:11, as discussed briefly below by the Editorial Board of PRAY.COM.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11).

This passage is a comfort to Christians facing challenging situations at any time. It is important to remember, however, that this is not a promise of immediate relief, but rather that God has a plan for our lives, despite our present circumstances. God promises to provide for us in all our situations in life, good or bad. He will prosper us through it and bring us a future we can look forward to.

When Jeremiah speaks, he is addressing his fellow Jerusalemites who were sent into exile in Babylon. God tasked Jeremiah with delivering a message that God’s people would have to live for 70 years in a city that was not theirs before they would be delivered. By saying, “I know the plans I have for you,” God was reassuring the people that their faith in Him would be rewarded. He was not saying that He would make everything easy for them right away. He merely told them that even though it was hard at that time, they must have patience in their faith.

While Jeremiah 29:11 is the most popular verse about God’s plans for us, many other verses share similar messages:

“Listen to advice and accept discipline, and at the end, you will be counted among the wise. Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails” (Proverbs 19:20-21).

“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28).

“The steps of a man are established by the Lord, when he delights in his way” (Psalm 37:23)


Class of 2023

Pat Collins

Tedi and Gene Fraley

Lucy Koll

Betty Plum

Barbara and Roger Simons

Susan Sonderby

Deb & Harry Streamer

Class of 2024

Mary Armstrong

Marti Beard

Norman Brown

Pam Fisher

Amy Manley

Sylvia and Jack Marsh

Melissa McClayton

Sarah Nichols

Ali Norris

Gary Root

Liz Speake

Class of 2025

Cindy Esler

Gary Nordbrock

Karen and Roy Parker

Cari Rieder

Sue Shenk

Nancy Walkenhorst

Janice and David Witman

Janet Yanushefski