Summer 2019 (Vol 64)

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food | cooking with ron

Summer in Louisville is a


Summer! What a wonderful time it must be to be a vegan in Louisville. I am not a vegan (one philosophically and morally committed to avoiding consuming any products, food or apparel derived from animals), but I often cook vegan meals, and look forward in the summer to eating lots of the excellent fresh vegetables and fruits grown by local farmers and sold at the burgeoning number of farmers markets in the area.

24 Summer 2019

I try to cook all-vegetable meals several times a week in the summer and find I don't miss meat

or other animal products (cheese, yogurt or

egg-based sauces) at all at such meals.

Now, I don’t go long without eating meat,

poultry, fish or dairy products, so I don’t think I

have experienced “meat hunger.” But apparently meat hunger is a thing, and one that local veg-

ans seem to experience if the menu offerings of

local vegan restaurants are a guide. Diners who

don’t want to actually consume animal prod-

ucts still seem to want the taste of meat and cheese—or as close as industrial food process-

ing can get to the taste of meat and cheese by

treating vegetable protein with texturizers and artificial flavorings.

Hence, local vegan diners can confront the

ontological paradox of avoiding eating actual

chicken, beef, pork, fish or cheese by ordering a chicken parmesan sandwich made with oyster

mushrooms, a crab patty made with jackfruit, Buffalo chicken wings made with seitan (a prod-

uct gluten-sensitive stomachs should avoid since it is processed wheat gluten), or a roast

beef sandwich made with tofu and topped with cheese made from nuts.

The mystery for omnivores is why such items

cannot be more honestly labeled as oyster

mushroom sandwich, jackfruit patty, Buffalo sei-

tan strips, and sliced roasted tofu sandwich with finely ground nut sauce.

I'm here to celebrate vegan cooking based

on fresh vegetables and fruits, flavored with

fresh or dried herbs and spices, and presented

as what the food honestly is. For those who

subscribe to “clean eating” in the best sense of

that term, recipes such as these, made with

ingredients that are fresh and locally produced as much as possible, are the best way to go.

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