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FLM high school student portraiture series

We are very pleased to present the second FLM portraiture series

We asked Fleurieu-based high-school students to submit original photographs capturing an emotion, a story or create a document of a place and time. The portraits could be studio-based, environmental, candid or self-portraits.


Page left: Portrait by Lily Dawn Powell. Above left: ‘Eve’. Above right: ‘Emily’ by Jack McArdle.

Lily Dawn Powell, 17, Encounter Lutheran Through this portrait I intended to accentuate the impacts of cultural stereotypes and their influence on immigrants’ ability to belong in their communities. These portraits display the uniqueness, individuality and beauty of the subject who is often overlooked. Jack McArdle, 17, Investigator College Eve: This is an environmental portrait of my younger sister, Eve. I used vignetting and the harsh evening light to my advantage, allowing for the flower to provide a shadow over her face and create a more contrasting and interesting portrait.

Emily: This is a portrait with one of my close friends Emily as the main subject. I wanted the portrait to replicate a vibrant 1960s advertisement. The image is taken in the hillside of Yankalilla amongst the Salvation Jane. >

This year’s students have shown maturity in their choice and execution of concepts and techniques. Some are thought provoking, some are fun. All are a wonderful reflection of youth and budding talent.

Above: Both images from the series ‘Solar’.

Joel Maung, 18, Tatachilla Lutheran College From the series ‘Solar’: I took the following photos to study and highlight the way that light interacts with nature and people. I was really interested in the way trees and other flora create such amazing patterns and spots of sun. I wanted the lighting in these photographs to make audiences feel a sense of tranquility and nostalgia. The models I chose were friends who have often expressed their interest in the world around them and always appreciate the smaller moments in life.

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