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Curriculum PE


CONTACT DETAILS: lw@felsted.org

Year 10

A 32 week course that expands on the pupils’ skills and understanding from their Year 9 foundation course.

All pupils study six different areas of Physical Education: gymnastics, athletics, health and fitness, net and wall sports, swimming and games activities.

During the course pupils will evaluate and improve their performance while developing, selecting and applying skills and tactics. The course will contribute to their understanding of how regular exercise enhances a healthy lifestyle.

Year 11

A 12 lesson course where we concentrate on life skills. Pupils will have the opportunity to learn about refereeing, umpiring and coaching. In addition, they will be taken through a basic Life Saving Course and will learn the skills necessary to perform CPR. The remaining lessons will be used to further develop pupils’ understanding of the components of fitness and how to improve their technical expertise in a variety of physical activities.


Felsted School

Felsted, Essex CM6 3LL 01371 822600

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