1 minute read

The rodeo Grand Entry led out with our country’s flag. The stars and stripes were waving, worth a cowboy’s honored brag.

The Serpentine young riders, with precision in each step, would give their top performance from a show that was well prepped.

Then the horses stopped and riders held our nation’s flag up high. A vision you would not forget, most pleasing to the eye.


The horses stood so flawlessly, well trained right from the start. While the riders showed respect, they placed their hats across their hearts.

The announcer gave our Nation’s Pledge. The audience joined in. I’ve never felt more proud to be America’s own kin.

There couldn’t be a better way to start a rodeo. With The Pledge of Our Allegiance as the first part of the show.

My mind kept on reflecting ‘back when I was in first grade, we stood and pledged allegiance to the flag to start our day.

But the Pledge of Our Allegiance ain’t a part of every school. Some schools claim they are hit and miss. When did we change the rule?

A critic says there isn’t time. The pledge just takes too long. Would they dare toast a veteran who’d say, “ I think you’ve got it wrong.”

I wish that every principal could see a rodeo. And leave there feeling humble ‘bout a Pledge we all should know.

The fathers of this country risked their lives for everyone. To have the right to pledge without the risk of getting hung.

They stood for good and honored God. They bravely took a stand. I wonder how they’d feel about our “Allegiance” being canned.

This land is still America. That’s what our flag stands for. Our country’s pledge helps keep the enemy from our back door.

When we cowboys get together and we’re sitting ‘round the fire. We’ll offer our opinions ‘bout this country we admire.

Aug. 26

Belmont County Saddle Club Contest Show, 41915 National Road, Belmont, Ohio.

Oct. 7

Belmont County Saddle Club Jack Pot Contest Show, 41915 National Road, Belmont, Ohio.

Though some of us have differences, on one thing we’ll agree. The Pledge of our Allegiance to our flag helps keep us free.

Next time you’re feeling like you need a patriotic kick. Attend a rodeo, ‘cuz pardner, that should do the trick.

(Bryce Angell’s father was an outfitter and guide for 35 years, and Bryce was there to shoe and care for the horses and help him do the cooking. Bryce is from Idaho and still rides into the Tetons, Yellowstone and surrounding areas. His poems are mostly of personal experience. He can be reached at angellranch62@gmail.com.)