The "erika  cruz" user's logo

erika cruz

Madrid, Spain

Mix between art and design, a personal quest to convey emotions through shapes, colors and textures of the spaces. In his works of the transversal stresses in the many areas of design, the design indutrial, graphic design and interior design, among others. Which often makes use of an aesthetic at times surreal, figures out their dreams, humor and fun merged into an explosion of colors. The atmospheres of the spaces are always clean but not minimalist, sometimes decorative, sometimes functional, but always looking cause emotions. Sarcasm, irreverence and unique are some of the characteristics that define the character of Erika Cruz as a designer, he loves to defy convention, so his works are characterized by a mixture of styles with a boldness in pursuit of his own style


Dossier Wina

June 30, 2011