EHS: The Magazine of Episcopal High School Spring 2010

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SUSTAINING A TRADITION OF OUTSTANDING FACULTY Episcopal’s Roll Call is a call to action – and, each year, alumni, parents, faculty, and friends answer that call, allowing the School to maintain its exceptional faculty and state-of-the-art facilities. The Episcopal experience is unique and life-shaping, and students form strong friendships with their classmates and teachers that will last a lifetime.


Faculty Member 1969-2009 “ Every new journey is beset by challenges, most of which require an understanding and comforting guide to lead one down the path that lies ahead. Fortunately, as Episcopal transitioned into an historic, coeducational era, we found that guide in John Walker. His constant smile and warm demeanor brought not only a sense of ease, but instilled in this new generation of students a sense of entitlement in Episcopal’s rich tradition.”

amy fannon ’94 and episcopal’s first 48 girls “ While he holds one of the busiest positions in the school, he can still find time to listen sympathetically to the students’ problems. One knows, whether the difficulty is anything from school administration to personal matters, that he will give fair and thoughtful advice.”

“whispers” dedication, the class of 1979


Faculty Member Since 2001 “ Episcopal, to me, is about raising children. As John Walker said to me one time early in my career, ‘They may not remember the nuances of “Hamlet,” but they will remember you.’ That statement exemplifies the importance of this profession – that these students form impressions that will last them their entire lives. It also summarizes the responsibility I share with my fellow teachers – that the literature, while important to our pupils’ development as human beings, must be taught by someone who cares about their learning. For the students, a good mentor opens the world to possibility; he does not impose limits. Our most important role here is to help students discover this world of possibilities.”

show your support for episcopal by: •S ending a check •D onating online via Episcopal’s secure Web site: •C alling toll-free at 877-EHS-1839 for more information about the roll call, please contact: Elizabeth Woodcock Director of Annual Giving

1200 N. Quaker Lane Alexandria, VA 22302 Phone: 703-933-4148

E-mail: Fax: 703-933-4117

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