Elmhurst College E-Book 2013-2014

Page 53

SHARE: (847) 882-4181 and ask for free phone intake. Inpatient and outpatient alcohol and drug treatment on a sliding fee scale. Usually a waiting list, but will also provide referrals for treatment elsewhere. Other off-campus referrals and resources are available from Counseling Services. Health Risks of Substance Abuse All drugs can be toxic or poisonous when abused. The risks present when using alcohol or other drugs involve mental, emotional and physical health. More complete information is available from Counseling Services and Student Health Service. 49 Weapons. Possession or use of firearms or other weapons capable of inflicting injury are prohibited. Although students involved in above offenses are subject to legal action, the College reserves the right to view each case individually as a basis for further disciplinary action by the College.

CAMPUS EXPRESSION 1. Discussion and expression of all views is permitted within the institution subject only to requirements for the maintenance of order and adherence to the law. Support of any cause by orderly means that does not disrupt the operation of the institution is permitted. 2. The right of peaceful protest is granted within the Elmhurst College community. The institution retains the right to insure the safety of individuals, the protection of property and the continuity of the education process. 3. Orderly picketing and other forms of peaceful protest are permitted on institutional premises, subject to the following conditions: a. Violence or the threat of violence to any member of the College community is not permissible. b.Deliberate interference with academic freedom and freedom of speech of any member of the College community, including interference with the freedom of a speaker invited by any section of the College community to express his/her views, is not allowed. c. Interference with entrance and/or exit from institutional facilities and interruption of classes exceeds permissible limits. d.Theft or damage and destruction of college property or of the property of members of the College is not permitted. 4. Orderly demonstrations are permitted in public areas within institution buildings subject to the requirements of non-interference. The following activities are considered serious violations of behavior expectations because they interfere with the essential processes of the College:

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