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Trash in, Trash out: The power of reliable data.

As the world grapples with the challenges of sustainability and resource management data is becoming an indispensable asset. The ability to gather, analyze, and utilize reliable and long-term data is essential in transforming industries and ensuring more efficient and sustainable operations. And as we increasingly use data to drive decision-making, it becomes paramount to ensure that quality, clean and reliable data is used. Because trash-data in means trash-decisions out.

The hospitality industry is no exception, as reliable data plays an increasingly vital role in optimizing operations, enhancing guest experiences, and driving sustainable practices. Known for its complexity and fast-paced nature, traditionally, decision-making in hospitality was driven by experience, intuition, and anecdotal evidence. However, with the rapid advancement of technologies and data analytics, businesses now have access to an abundance of information that can guide their operations and support them in resource management and sustainable transformation.

One area where the impact of data is particularly evident just happens to be in your trash bin; food waste data. With the help of digital tools and artificial intelligence, the hospitality industry can capture reliable and actionable data, enabling professionals to save valuable resources such as time, food, and money. For instance, by analyzing waste data insights on food preparation and portion sizes, customer consumption patterns become visible empowering establishments to adjust their menu offerings to reduce overproduction and minimize plate waste. Similarly, the data can be analyzed for guest preferences and consumption habits to optimize buffet offerings and minimize food waste.

In measurements conducted in the hotel sector the following results were achieved thanks to food waste data-driven decisions:

37% 61% +€30k

Average edible food waste reduction.

Food waste reduction in the top-performing property.

Average annual savings.

- Data powered by KITRO

By accurately measuring and quantifying food waste, businesses can set targets, monitor progress, and implement strategies to reduce waste generation. This data-driven approach empowers businesses to identify inefficiencies, implement process improvements, and set sustainable practices while enhancing the overall guest experience.

Data on food waste when actionized can save valuable resources like food, money, and water. It could even support alleviating some of the labor challenges currently faced in the industry. Labor-intensive tasks associated with managing excess food or coping with last-minute shortages can be minimized, freeing up valuable time and labor resources. Furthermore, by leveraging data analytics, businesses can identify skill gaps and training needs. This enables the development of personalized training programs that enhance employee skills and productivity.

Efficiency and sustainability are two critical goals for the hospitality industry. Reliable and long-term data play a vital role in achieving these objectives. By leveraging data analytics, businesses can identify areas where they can improve resource management, reduce waste, and operate more sustainably. Currently, data collection is still a choice however, this is likely to change as regulatory bodies and international organizations set ambitious goals to address issues like food waste. One prominent example is the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 12.3, which aims to halve global food waste per capita at the retail and consumer levels and reduce food losses along the production and supply chains by 2030.

To achieve such goals, the hospitality and food service industry is increasingly dependent on reliable data. Accurate and comprehensive data collection is vital for measuring progress, identifying areas of improvement, and implementing effective strategies to minimize food waste. Without reliable data, it becomes challenging to track and evaluate the impact of initiatives and make informed decisions. Not to mention it will be impossible to say in 2030 that we have halved our food waste if we aren’t measuring it consistently and accurately.

In the fast-paced hospitality industry, the importance of quality data cannot be overstated and will only continue to grow as it transforms the industry. Reliable and accurate data serves as the foundation for informed decision-making, operational efficiency, personalized experiences, and sustainable practices. Quality in, Quality out. What kind of trash are you collecting?

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