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Employer's Testimonials


“For the past 10 years, Dorchester Collection has enjoyed a wonderfulrelationshipwith Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne. EHL has consistently educated a strong calibre of graduates that have flourished at Dorchester Collection. Our long partnership has seen these future leaders excel within our guest centric organisation as EHL students are prepared for on the job challenges that arise and have immense practical and theoretical knowledge. We are proud to continue our relationship with EHL through the careers fairs and our partnership with The Young Hoteliers Summit”.

Mr. Eugenio Pirri, Chief People & Culture Officer Global Diversity Champion

“As the leading company in cosmetics on the Swiss market, we strive to recruit the most talented young graduates. The culture of excellence at EHL, coupled with the broad language skills (mostly German, English and French) of many students at the school, often provides an excellent fit between our needs and the aim of EHL students”.

Mr. Eric Salamin Talent Acquisition Manager

“Every year, the ICRC recruits EHL alumni. They occupy various positions, at headquarters or in the field, ranging from human resources to finance. What we particularly appreciate is their mastery of several languages, their experience in international and/or multicultural environments and their organizational skills. They are also detail-oriented professionals with good communication skills and the ability to work in sometimes stressful conditions. This is why, for more than 10 years, we come to meet students during the EHLCareerFair.”

Ms.VirginiaMalembe ICRC-GlobalTalentAttractionCoordinator


“When participating in EHL events, we experience and appreciate the professionalism, the client and service orientation and the diverse profiles of EHL students. This is exactly what we are looking for at PwC”.

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