VEJ June 2013

Page 160

I love Cyrus Hush’s Expedition Central in Second Life (SLURL: Cyrus has curated educational sims for several years now, and has a vibrant collection high above the VSTE sim, arranged in a cylinder, within which people can explore some of the best of Second Life. The landmark posters are arranged roughly by subject area, but it’s mostly a place for exploration.

Expedition Central in Second Life - Photo by Beth Ghostraven I have frequently returned to Expedition Central looking for sims that I’ve visited, only to be frustrated by the time it took me to find things. As a librarian, I appreciate the serendipity of finding similar things together, but I also love being able to find things quickly. Expedition Central needed an index. For some time this task seemed too intimidating to even begin. As I began to explore the potential of Google Docs, though, it became apparent that this could be crowdsourced--”many hands make light work.”


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