4 minute read

Olivia Podes

Where were you born? Did you grow up there?

I was born and raised in Atlanta Georgia Is “acting your age” overrated? Very, but I have been told I am an old soul. What do you do for a living? I am currently a college student at the University of Georgia majoring in Journalism and Sports Media and Reporting. What would you like to do for a living? I would love to be a broadcaster for PGA Tour or MLB and to attend and interview celebrities on Red Carpet Events.

Aside from golf; what do you prefer for fun and relaxation?

I love going out with friends and just having a good time, such as trying new restaurants, attending sporting & social events, and shopping. For relaxation, I either hit a bucket of balls at the range or go play a round, this has really helped with my stress and mental health. What golf apparel do you like to wear? Lilly Pulitzer, RLX Ralph Lauren, and Lucky in Love

Whom do you most admire for their inner and outer beauty?

Dolly Parton, one of the most-sweetest human beings and that to me makes her so beautiful. Tell us about your first kiss? I was 18 on Spring Break at Panama City Beach, and there was a MTV Reality show being filmed called Floridabama shore, my first kiss was with one of the guys on the reality show. It was in Club la Vela and I didn’t realize my mom was right behind me and I kissed someone right when the camera was on us. So, my first kiss was on MTV. Steak, chicken, or seafood? Seafood! Lobster and oysters any day or night! Any seafood makes me smile.

Tell us something about yourself that only your closest friends

know. They would tell you how kind my heart really is and how true of a person I am. I am always the most fun to go travel with too. If you want to have the best time of your life that felt like it was in a movie, just bring me along.

What three things would you need to survive on a deserted

island? Air Condition, Coca Cola, and sunglasses.

Who would you like to have with you on the same deserted

island; and why? Chris Hemsworth, he gorgeous to look at, looks great shirtless and in water, and he could totally make me laugh.

What do you find to be the most annoying habit people dem-

onstrate on the golf course? Being Cocky. Name the three most important things to you in this world. My Family. There’s nothing else that comes to mind besides my family.

Given the choice; would you select love, success, or money

to keep yourself happy? All three! But picking one, I feel that I would have to say success. Because happiness, love, and money would come from you being successful. What do you fear the most? Living life with regret.

What three people would you most like to play with in your fan-

tasy golf foursome? My Grandpa, John Daly, Adam Sandler What are some of your great accomplishments? I have been on the Deans List since entering College. I was accepted overnight into the University of Georgia, and staying true to myself. I taught myself my own rhythm with golf and how I do it in just my own little way.

Last time you spewed something through your nose from

laughing so hard? I was at a nightclub once and this very out of place guy comes out of nowhere to flirt with me, and his flirting was singing the Devil Went Down to Georgia and did the solo of fiddle part. Favorite comedian? Richard Pryor and Chris Farley

Movies:…comedy, drama, action, romance?

Comedy forever. Laughter is great for the soul. I love a good thriller/scary movie as well. Favorite television channel? MTV or Bravo Last book you read? Romancing Mister Bridgerton. Favorite Music? I love old music. Anything from the 60s-90s is my favorite and only music I listen to. Favorite charity to support? Meals on Wheels

What else would you like for us to know about you?

I am double-jointed just like Ben Hogan. I golf 3 times a week and it has helped me with my mental health and it is a great way I spend time with my grandpa and meeting new people. Being a young woman in golf, it feels empowering. Young women in sports is such a double-standard these days, but I love going out and showing off that I love golf and enjoy it at my age. I think playing golf is very sexy for women. I see myself being this young Bachelorette playing golf with a bunch of men as a fun game. Who doesn’t enjoy a game with surprising their competition? I thrive every time I go on the golf course to get better at mastering the game. I am a very positive and happy person, but I am not easily fooled. I see people for who they are. The only lasting beauty is the beauty of the heart. My favorite conversations to have are the ones that happen on the golf course. I feel that you get to see someone and their thought process and how they will react to things if it doesn’t go their way. In my experience, this is one of my favorite ways to go on dates and get to know someone.