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ACTIVATE FRONTLINES Newly-installed PRO 11 chief Delvo to strengthen barangay law enforcement


Newly-installed regional director of the Police Regional Office (PRO 11) Brig. Gen. Alden Bacarra Delvo vowed on Monday to strengthen the Revitalized Police sa Barangay (R-PSB) by reaching out to the far-flung barangays particularly the geographically isolated and disadvantaged areas (GIDAS).


The R-PSB, the brainchild of former PRO 11 regional director Police Lieutenant General Filmore Escobal, serves as an action plan of PRO 11 to address the insurgency problem in the country.

“I’m sure you are aware of the Revitalized Police sa Barangay, we will strengthen this program as I see this as the most effective way to reach out to the frontlines.

Alam nyo ba kung saan ang frontlines natin? It is in the streets and far-flung barangays or GIDAS natin where government programs are not seen or experienced before” Delvo said in his message during the Turn-over