The Marian Library Newsletter December 1956

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Volume XII-Number 3

December, 1956

1956 MARIANIST AWARD WINNER Frank Duff, founder and interna· tiona I head of the Legion of Mary, was the recipient of the seventh annual Marianist Award by the University of Dayton at a ceremony in the uni· versity chapel on December 8, feast of the Immaculate Conception. The award, a silver plaque, is given each year for outstanding service to· the Mother of God. Mr. Duff, who came ftm Dublin, Ireland, for the presentati n, founded the Legion of Mary in Dub in, in 1921. It has since spread thr ughout the world, reaching to ever~ continent, • and engaging in a WI'd &'I var1ety of apostolic works. It is an association of Catholic laity whose purpose is to sanctify its members, to assist the clergy in bringing fallen away Catholics back to the Church, to seek new

converts, an I to intensify Catholic life. There are t o~ about 42,000 active members in the U.S. alone. Mr. Duff is the second layman to receive the 1ward. M. Roger Brien, of Nicolet, Ca11ada, was awarded the plaque in 1953. Others who have been so honored include Rev. Juniper B. Carol, O.~.M. (1950); the late Rev. Daniel A. lord, S.J. (1951); Rev. Patrick Pey,.on, C.S.C. (1952); Rev. Emil Neube t, S.M. (1954), and Rev. Joseph A. S.<elly, C.M. (1955). The Mari.tnist Award was estab· fished in 1 1 ·50 to commemorate the triple center ny of the coming of the Marianists . • the United States, the death of the ·founder, William Joseph Chaminade, and the founding of the University of Dayton

The MARIAN LIRRARY NEWSLETTER is publishtd monthly except July, A ugu.~t, and September, by the Maria.n Library, Univrrsi.ty of Dayton, Dayton 9, Ohio. TheN EWS/,ETTRR will be sent frrc of rharg, to anyone requesting it.

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