4 minute read

President's Message

Dear Alumni, Friends, and Family of East Texas Baptist,

The University celebrated the start of the Spring 2020 semester with the highest recorded spring enrollment in University history as 1,405 new and returning students began or continued their pursuit of Christ-centered education here on the Hill. We hit the ground running with a renewed hope and anticipation as we rounded the corner into not only a new year, but a new decade. A decade with which to set new milestones, transform lives, and make an even greater impact on the community and across the world, as we faithfully carry out our mission and calling to be the Light on the Hill. As 2020 began, there was no way we could have foreseen what was in store. This year, our mission has especially weighed heavily on my heart, as we confront and deal with the devastating disease facing America and the tragic deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Rayshard Brooks, and too many other innocent lives taken from family and friends. As a Christ-centered university, it is our mission to shape minds and hearts by integrating our Christian faith through the teaching of God's truths, showing love, and taking the Gospel of peace to unite hearts and communities.


As I read (and re-read) that phrase, I have to pause in an abundance of emotion. I am overwhelmed with excitement and burden about this responsibility we all share together. What a bold statement of who ETBU is, what we have been charged to do, how we convey our mission through education. This statement is so powerful—I sincerely believe this is our assignment, our ambition, our aim, and I trust you recognize with me, it must be carried out with our action, because as James 2:14-26 states, faith without works is dead.

My hope is that within the pages of this issue of The Hilltop, you will discover how East Texas Baptist University has carried out its mission in the midst of a broken and hurting world. I invite you to explore how our faculty, staff, and students have handled an unprecedented time of fear, worry, and anxiety with great understanding, perseverance, and a steadfastness that only comes from hope and security in Christ. Through the stories in these pages, you will realize that the pain and scars this pandemic and the racial injustice and inequality in our nation leaves behind will not diminish the Jesus' light in and through us on the Hill. That in a time of physical distancing, we found ways to remain spiritually and socially connected, and that we will reunite on the Hill this fall as a university that is stronger than ever before. The Tiger Spirit is alive and well, and together we will emerge on the other side of this season as a stronger, more united Tiger Family for the Kingdom of God.

Let us have faith in the Lord Jesus and place our trust in God’s redeeming plan. With the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, we have the ability to face adversity as a body of believers and model perseverance and love. ETBU celebrates the diversity of our campus community members with heritages that have shaped each of us into who we are and who we are to be in Christ. We praise God that He created ETBU to be a mosaic quilt of people of faith, who represent the communities and cultures of our East Texas region and beyond. We are grateful for all the students God has called to be a part of our University, and we thank the families of our students, who have entrusted their children to us as partners in their education.

With God's calling to be a Christ-centered university equipping students to be engaged and empowered citizens, East Texas Baptist must be an example by standing firm and speaking boldly in our commitment to proclaim and advance the equality and dignity of all people. The ETBU Family must labor to ensure that every person is respected, valued, and protected.

East Texas Baptist Family, as Americans and Christians, we should be a model of love and peace, while striving to unite in the love that Jesus has for all, who God created in His image.

ETBU is resilient. ETBU is strong. ETBU is unwavering. We will survive the storm, because we have a Lord and Savior, who calms the winds and quiets the waters. Empowered by Jesus’ Spirit in us, we are God’s people and this is His University. We can follow our University theme verse of Proverbs 3:5-6 for inspiration and incorporation to place our trust in the Lord and seek His wisdom for our path forward.

Keep praying, stay healthy, and carry on!

"TRUST IN THE LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and HE WILL MAKE YOUR PATHS STRAIGHT." Proverbs 3:5-6