3 minute read

From the Managing Editor

It’s my pleasure to welcome you to a new and improved version of Your Retirement Living, incorporating Home Care Guide.

After years of producing a practical guide with information to help retirees choose retirement living options as well as a stand-alone publication dedicated to home care options, DPS decided to transform these two publications into one magazine covering the broader retirement lifestyle as well as help preparing for the years where you may need to consider some basic support.

Retirement is an exciting time in most people’s lives, allowing you to wind down and enjoy the finer things in life, after years filled with work and family obligations. This life stage is really broken down in three phases, moving from an ‘active’ phase where you are generally in good health and able to enjoy life to the fullest, to the ‘quiet’ phase where things are starting to slow down a bit as you age, and finally the ‘care’ phase where people may need more assistance in day-to-day life.

We know that Australians are living longer than ever before and that most people want to remain in their own home and community as they get older. We also know that people are finding it hard to think about what may happen when old age sets in, let alone plan for this time in their life. But the reality is, the more you can plan ahead, the better prepared you will be when the time comes that you need some sort of assistance.

In this publication we set out to present useful and inspiring content to make the most of the retirement years while at the same time, assist with planning for the future when you may need to start considering some basic supports to help you continue living an independent life for as long as possible.

We have designed this publication into two separate Guides so you can absorb the information most relevant to you and your situation.

The first part is all about Your Retirement Living filled with useful information to help with your retirement planning, all you need to know about your next travel adventure, tips and tricks to help you look after your mental and physical health as well as what to keep in mind if you are considering moving into a retirement community.

The Home Care Guide starting on page 80D will help you understand the different types of assistance that are available to make sure you can stay in your own community for longer and help you on your journey of living your best life at home.

Making the most of the supports available to you within your local community, as well as accessing those provided by the Government, can make a huge difference in helping you to remain living independently in the home and community that you know and love.

The ‘Third Age’ is a time to be enjoyed and everyone deserves to choose how and where they want to live.

I hope this Your Retirement Living, incorporating Home Care Guide will inspire you to take charge of this next stage in life and wish you all the best on your journey.

Margot White, Managing Editor

1300 186 688

The factual material contained in this publication has been obtained from information supplied by government departments, industry and organisations, by personal interview and by telephone and correspondence. At the time of going to press the publisher believed that all information submitted for publication was accurate and complete. However, the publisher can take no responsibility for inaccuracies or incomplete information that may have been supplied to them in the course of their enquiries detailed above. The facts published indicate the result of those enquiries and no warranty as to their accuracy can be given. The information in this publication is general in nature and does not constitute financial, legal or other professional advice. Readers should consider whether the information is appropriate to their needs and seek professional advice tailored to their personal circumstances. Images within this publication may have been altered from their original format.

© Copyright. No part of this publication can be used or reproduced in any format without express permission in writing from The Publisher.

® Aged Care Guide is a registered trademark. ® Your Retirement Living and Home Care Guide are pending registration.

They say ‘life begins at retirement’ and this publication was created to inspire you to make the most of this next stage in life.

Whether you have only just started thinking about what retirement could look like for you, are actively preparing to retire from the workforce, or are entering this exciting time of ‘new beginnings’. This Guide can help you on that journey to the next stage of your life.

Different people look for different lifestyles in retirement. For some people, the reward after many years in the workforce is to travel, live life on the road and discover new places. Others may choose to study and learn new skills or focus on family and spend time with children and grandchildren.

Whatever direction, they’ll have one thing in common; to make the most of the Golden Years.

The articles in this Guide can help you prepare your finances for retirement, assist in finding purpose and happiness in this time of your life, and inspire your next travel adventure.

We gathered expert advice on how you can make sure your physical and mental health are in tip-top