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nc packs4 patriots

Information on changes, however please note that the mission is not changing....

Dear NC Packs4Patriots Supporters NC Packs4Patriots (P4P) is preparing for some big changes. P4P and Support our Troops, Inc (SOT), out of Florida, have been working together for close to a decade. SOT has routinely sent shipments of donations to P4P for us to use in our care packages and for pick-ups. We believe that changing needs and circumstances have indicated our troops can be best served if P4P operations becomes part of SOT. SOT is a “501(c)(3) public purpose charity which works to strengthen the morale and well-being of our current military service members and their families.” They provide goods and services that range from large scale enterprise-level container shipments to bases and battalions, down to individual soldier support. As part of the SOT umbrella P4P will become a distribution center for receiving and coordinating distribution of donations on a much larger scale than anything we have handled in the past. With the large number of military bases in NC, and our location close to major interstate highways, we will be able to more effectively receive and coordinate distribution of goods to our troops. Over the coming weeks you will start to see the SOT logo and name on our Donor Letters and other documents. You will also notice that P4P will be referred to as the Support Our Troops North Carolina Distribution Center. We would like to ensure all of our loyal donors that P4P’s current mission of supporting our troops and their families is not changing, nor is our team of familiar faces. Our work will continue but just at a larger scale. P4P would like to sincerely thank our donors and volunteers for all of the support over the years and we look forward to working with you for years to come.


Barbara D. Whitehead, Director North Carolina Distribution Center,

Our Crystal Coast volunteers were busy busy today! They bagged 800 bags of Community Coffee, 120 packs of Mount Olive Pickle Co. pickle packs, unpacked and put away donations and then assembled 200 snack goody bags! Care packages are being mailed weekly so donations go out quickly! Please help replenish our supplies!

We had a fun and productive day with the HOG chapter, Cumberland County. We started with lunch at Bum’s Rest. and Catering. It was a good time of fellowship and good food! They then came to our center and packed over 350 snack goody bags. It’s always interesting to hear experiences of our veterans and appreciate their continued service.

Troops who are deployed and have a confirmed address are welcome to request care packages! Send name, address, and stop mail date to us by email to ncp4p@yahoo.com - information is only used for mailing labels and kept secure. You can also ask for special requests or needs and we will try to fill those. We ask that you let us know when packages arrive.

We need you to join our team to support our local heroes in 2023!

Bill's Hot Dogs

109 Gladden St. Washington, NC


They have spicy chili (no meat). Opened in 1928 by Bill Jackson. Hotdogs chips and drinks is all they serve. Grab one or two and go sit down by the water front!

Dick's Hot Dog Stand

1500 Nash St. N. Wilson, NC


Founded by Socrates Dick Gliarmis in 1921 they are famous for their dogs and their chili which is the original chili recipe that Dick created. Number 1 since ‘21

Westridge Grill

3639 Sunset Ave. Rocky Mount, NC 252-937-7299

Your Neighborhood Place To Be! They have an outdoor patio with live music every Thursday!

Chester's Pit Stop

12161 Ocean Highway

Pawley’s Island, SC


They have traditional hot dogs as well as NJ Italian hot dogs. Their chili is homemade and spicy!