Dog News, October 5, 2012

Page 102


WALTER F. GOODMAN Continued FROM page 91

we spent together when there was just the two of us. At the shows there always was a large group of people surrounding Adele. Her love of the sport was infectious. The night “Susie” went BIS at the Garden, I remember Adele told the press, “We Ch. Glamoor have even better ones at home”. She was dead serious, there Twinkle being some truth to the statement. Although the show dogs Star Judge Frank lived at “Withgate”, Adele always kept a favorite companion Foster dog at her NYC apartment. Like her son Walter, Adele Davis contributed so much to the fancy and gave so many people wonderful memories to cherish. Montgomery County is the highlight of the year for all Terrier fanciers. Thousands travel from all corners of the globe to see all the great Terriers, and there is not a breeder or handler that does not dream of winning big at Montgomery. As judges we all dream of discovering the next great “Sadler”,“Excellence”,“Mick”,“Sadie”, etc. As a teenager I counted the days to Montgomery even more than Christmas. Now 50 years later even much more so. All the ladies have been shopping for months to unveil their new outfits. The gentlemen also try to look their best, but know they cannot match the style of Walter. In many ways matching Walter’s character, the Montgomery County Kennel Club Show gives so much pleasure to thousands of people whether breeders, exhibitors, handlers, judges or spectators. The sport owes a great deal of gratitude to Walter. His quarter of a century reigning as President, Ch. Glamoor working with Go Go Go Josephine Deubler winning BIS under Albert and their fellow Van Court MCKC Members has made Montgomery County the Kentucky Derby of dog shows. Ch. Jacinthe Hopefully during the de Ricelaine LKC Bea course of the day Godsol many will have the opportunity to thank Walter for all he has done for the sport.

98 Dog News

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