Dog News, Sept. 9, 2011

Page 14

Northeast Cancellations

The big Somerset Hills-Westchester weekend was cancelled in New Jersey as the result of the aftermath of flooding caused by Hurricane Irene as were the shows in New Hampshire on the same weekend. What a pity and what a shame. Too bad it was impossible to move at least the shows being held in New Jersey to last weeks Augusta, New Jersey venue where in fact shows were held. Word on the street is that while the shows were willing to make adjustments to the site configuration the County refused to particularly with the weather forecasts continuing to be rainy for at least the end of the week and they allegedly refused to re-open the park. As it is it has been reported to these pages that the grounds are basically underwater and totally unusable. Too bad with all the advance word some sort of preparations were not made for a possible alternate venue. Never, in the memory of these pages, has a weekend of such vital importance to the East Coast specifically and the dog world generally been so affected. And again we repeat the thought knowing how the grounds were affected it’s too bad emergency grounds were unavailable. These three days of shows being cancelled leave the exhibitors high and dry insofar as not being reimbursed any monies for a cancellation which has occurred as a result of an act of god. Here we go again leaving the exhibitors out in the cold while the judges get paid fees for non-performing acts and other show expenses are covered as well. Isn’t it high time to write force majeure clauses in all show contracts to protect people from these excesses as well to protect the exhibitors one way or another. These pages have been championing these ideas for years to no avail. Perhaps this latest calamity will produce a rethinking of priorities in this area.

More Unhappy Show News

Westminster has announced that during the present renovations at the Garden its entry will be reduced from 2,500 exhibits to 2,000!!!! For how many years this will occur is unstated however both Toys and Terriers are to be both judged and benched

in the theatre of the Madison Square Garden Complex rather than in the main arena. While this was truly anticipated based on the work that was in progress last year as well as the fact that so many sports and other events have relocated it certainly comes as bum news on top of the postponements announced above. Again one is forced to wonder whether Javits Center could have been a logical alternative for this years Westminster. If this is only a one time entry reduction one supposes that this is a livable but unhappy necessity. However if this reduction in entry size continues for a longer period of time one would trust that alternative viable venues in the City could be found. If Javits is not available certainly the Chelsea Sports Center or the newly rebuilt and lovely Armory in Fort Washington are more than acceptable temporary venues which could provide adequate space and if not equal certainly acceptable venue sites to the Garden while it remains under construction.

The Retesting Theory

The late and former Board Member Jacklyn Hungerland was a very strong believer in the need for ALL judges to take periodic refresher courses and examinations in breeds for which they were earlier approved. Indeed as a writer for DOG NEWS she often reiterated this stance with which Editorially these pages were always in agreement with. The theory has long been dormant until last week when the The Kennel Club in the UK announced seminar refresher courses for judges who had not judged within the past three years with an optional test to take after the seminar. While this is a mighty step forward, which is bound to meet with unhappiness from the judging community in the UK, these pages applaud this bold and extraordinary idea. And if the history of TKC is anything to go by this idea will be expanded, hopefully to include all judges, not just those who have not judged within the past three years. Now if only this concept would gain strength and credibility here in the States think of how great that would be. Unfortunately the power base of judges in this country is so strong and immovable any kinds of progressive and needed changes to improve judging for exhibitors is greeted with diversion and contempt. It is doubt-

Editorial September 9, 2011

10 Dog News

ful that the Smith Committee even broached the subject although one never can tell. In the meantime it should be interesting to see how the “refreshing” idea works out in the UK and whether or not any impact will be felt here.

Non Dog Show Directors

The idea to broaden the Board to include a number of non-Delegates and/ or business personalities has been bandied around for years now but has never gained sufficient momentum to be put into place. This despite the support of the present Board Chair for sure. It is somewhat understandable why the Board Members and many Delegates are opposed to the idea since it certainly threatens their power structure and base. Notwithstanding this fact isn’t it time to consider the needs of the corporation and put one’s fiduciary duty where it belongs--on paper and not just in your mouth. One of the persistent rumors heard among Board and Staff is that a particular Board Member will resign after the March elections to be appointed by the new Chairman as an advisor prior to becoming a Member of Staff a year later. This kind of chicanery cannot be permitted and should the wrong people be elected these pages are told there will be no stopping this move. A non-dog person or non-Delegate would not permit these kinds of actions from occurring whereas unhappily too many Delegates would be more than happy to further their own power status in this kind of a coup. Let’s take every step necessary to prevent these kinds of actions from happening.

Thought For The Week

Your reaction to the new glossy paper upon which DOG NEWS is printed is gratifying. In that respect please keep in mind we will be preparing the new DOG NEWS Calendar for 2012 and need your input as to any club date changes you may need. Additionally keep in mind that the Calendar of Events will continue in DOG NEWS notwithstanding THE GAZETTE’S disappearance as a paper product and that your Club adverts are always welcomed as a means to inform the Fancy of your dates and panels.

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