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he History of De La Salle’s Annual Service Events

Spartan Charity Challenge

The oldest fundraiser, the Spartan Charity Challenge, began in 1998 as a way to embrace almsgiving during Lent. Now in its 25th year, the fundraiser calls on students to help and hold up those who are in need. To date, the drive has donated over $247,000 to many worthy causes. This year’s recipients include relief efforts for the earthquake that hit the Turkey-Syria border in February; Lasallian ministries in Eritrea, Africa; the Monument Crisis Center; and the De La Salle Brotherhood Fund, which exists to help students when their family is going through a financially hard time.

The Jim Olwell ‘76 Memorial Duck Race

This fundraiser honors Mr. Jim Olwell, a beloved Math teacher, coach, and former student who battled cancer twice before passing in 2017. Students purchase rubber ducks, then see which one will “swim” across the pool first. All proceeds go to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS). The money raised helps fund research and also supports individuals and families who are diagnosed with blood cancer.

Laps for Life

Laps For Life is a powerful, positive event focused on changing the conversation about teenage mental health and preventing teen suicide. The event was created in the wake of the heartbreaking loss of De La Salle student, Tyler Bunn. Over the past 12 years, this project has contributed more than $15,000 to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, the Contra Costa County Crisis Center, BeingWellCa, and Bring Change 2 Mind.

Toy Drive

For over two decades, during the Christmas season, De La Salle has collected toys for children in need. Literally, hundreds of toys are delivered each year to local organizations like Running with Love, Oakland Catholic Worker, De La Salle Academy, and Bay Area Crisis Nursery. In 2022, the school was also able to raise an additional $3,772 in cash and online donations.

Cereal Drive

Created in 2002, De La Salle’s Cereal Drive supports the Monument Crisis Center in its mission to provide food to hungry families. This year, the school community donated 1,600 boxes of cereal, as well as nearly $1,800 to the cause.