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Dear De La Salle Community:

Rarely does an interaction with an alumnus go by when he doesn’t tell me about the impact De La Salle High School made on his life. This near-universal truth is something that I believe our Founder would be proud of. Lasallian Catholic education is rooted in relationships and the belief that each young person is someone to be loved, guided, and instructed. St. John Baptist de La Salle said, “The miracles of God’s Providence take place every day” (Founder’s address to the first teachers) because “God expects you to touch hearts” (Med 139.3). Indeed that is what our faculty, staff, and coaches have been doing since 1965.

In this edition of Union, you will witness some stories of what I hope you have felt: De La Salle shapes lives. The best part of this story, if you ask me, is that our alumni, alumni parents, and friends end up shaping other lives, too. This ripple effect is precisely what we hope happens – the gifts we are freely given, particularly by God, should, in turn, be freely given to others. The stories you read are a fraction of the beautiful fabric that has been woven together on Winton Drive; of how lives have been shaped for the better.

It also continues to be an exciting time. Our Strategic Plan is in its final stages, and I am excited to share our plan for the next five years. Our curriculum is expanding and spreading across seven periods. Our students continue to innovate with new programs and clubs, and our donors continue to meet the moment by digging deeper and freeing their wallets so that we can give the very best to the young men entrusted to our care. Our work has never been done alone, and we stand proudly because of the giants who have come before us and on whose shoulders we stand. To the many of you who are those giants, thank you!

De La Salle High School is a special place because of the people who are a part of this magnificent enterprise. We never take for granted that we move and work on very hallowed grounds, and I am humbled to serve this institution and each of you. May the stories you read inspire you to share your own story with us. Email DLSCommunications@dlshs.org to share what you are up to, who shaped your life, or whose lives you have shaped.

In the meantime, be assured of our prayers for you and your family. And thank you for keeping us in your prayers so that we continue to shape lives for countless years to come.


David J. Holquin President

The School Seal

The school seal is an important part of the identity of De La Salle High School. The symbols used to make up the seal have particular meanings that reflect the values and purpose of the school. In the center of the seal is the Chi Rho (Kye Row). This is the Greek abbreviation of the title “Christ.” The first two letters of the word Christos or “Christ” are “Chi” and “Rho,” represented in the Greek alphabet as a capital “X” and “P.” The fleur-de-lis, with “lis” meaning lily in French, reminds us of our French origins with Saint John Baptist de La Salle. The lamp is a symbol of knowledge, reminding us of our primary purpose as a school — education. The section of broken chain represents freedom — freedom from ignorance. The chain surrounding the seal signifies strength and unity. “Les Hommes de Foi” is French for “Men of Faith.”