Diversity Journal - Jan/Feb 2014

Page 34

of the Most Influential Companies for Veteran Hiring

Driving Best Practices There are many organizations that help us continually raise the bar by creating and promoting new programs and services, and by developing responsive benefit offerings and practices. While it would be impossible to outline all of the outstanding efforts these organizations make to support our service members and their families, many of their programs and practices demand special recognition. Adopting these benchmarkable practices help all corporations more fully engage this talent audience.



ike other organizations that work extensively with government and defense agencies, Booz Allen Hamilton greatly values the unique knowledge and experience that former military service men and women bring to the table. And, with approximately one-third of the employee base self-identified as having a military background, the organization has developed hiring and retention practices that are a true reflection of its culture and absolutely best in class. Booz Allen is an organization that is leading the way. It’s commitment to preparing, employing, and advancing talented veterans and military spouses is demonstrated well by internal support practices that speak to the distinct needs of veterans and service members, including a proactive disability accommodation program, generous military leave and return policies for reservists, and targeted training and development programs to help veterans convert skills they learned in the military into skills they can use and market at Booz Allen. The firm has been recognized by the National Guard and the Reserve, the Disabled American Veterans organization, and—again and again—publications like G.I. Jobs for its outstanding support practices. Of particular note is the organization’s concerted effort to recruit and retain military spouses. The firm offers flexible work schedules and the opportunity to work remotely to accommodate spouses who may be required to move while employed there, and supports



January/February 2014

military spouses employed at the firm with resource groups, mentoring circles, and education and leadership programs. Booz Allen is an active participant in the Hiring Our Heroes Military Spouse Career Forums and helped launch the MilSpouse online mentoring program with Hiring Our Heroes and Academy Women. The mentorship portal offers military spouses personalized career guidance, advice, support, and inspiration from more experienced military spouses, career mentors, and military spouse-friendly employers. Booz Allen received the Military Spouse Employment and Mentoring Award from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in 2012.



orthrop Grumman’s award-winning Operation IMPACT (Injured Military Pursuing Assisted Career Transition) initiative provides career transition support to severely injured service members and their families. Established in 2005, Operation IMPACT identifies opportunities for wounded veterans to gain meaningful post-military employment. The program meets with external organizations to inform them about the program and to solicit candidates. It provides accommodations and training to help veterans succeed in their post-military employment and facilitates post-hiring support. Operation IMPACT also offers career support to a member of an injured individual’s immediate family who will act as the primary wage earner. The program is run independently of the company’s standard recruitment process. In 2009, Northrop Grumman expanded its commitment to public service by creating the Operation IMPACT Network of Champions, a group of companies who share the same commitment to assisting our wounded warriors. With prior approval from the candidate, Northrop Grumman will share his or her resume with these partner companies in order to provide a wider network for employment opportunities. Northrop Grumman has contacted more than 400 wounded veterans and hired more

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