Indie Chick - Summer 2014

Page 69

Finding Your

[Zen] By Ashley Sapp


hink of your center as your body’s engine, the piece of you that needs to be maintained and taken care of in order for the rest of you to function properly. Being centered isn’t as much about religion or spirituality as it is about finding a balance and peace within yourself in order to be the very best you that you can be. When I say it is time to find your Zen, it could mean any number of things. Basically, it’s about discovering what keeps you calm, what you consider to be peaceful, and the end result depends on the individual. Why is this important? In our fast-paced world, most of our days are cluttered with to-do lists, stress, conversations, obligations, anxiety, and the various roles within our lives. You fulfill more than one, whether you are a daughter, a wife, a mother, an employee, or a boss. It is human nature to be in the process of doing, but what about the essential calm that keeps us steady? We tend to forget ourselves, neglecting to take care of our mental wellbeing. This is what your Zen is all about.


Acceptance. You would be amazed with how often we may be going about our lives, in constant motion, fulfilling roles because we feel obligated. However, this does not always equate acceptance of who we are as individuals. Giving credence to who we are at our cores, stripped away of responsibility and roles, offers strength in moving forward. Sometimes, the smallest moment of remembering our inner badass, propels us into even the most difficult situations and endeavors with our heads held high, feeling as though we can take on anything. Because you are who you are; therefore, you are strong and capable.

Quiet. All it takes is ten minutes – clear your mind of thoughts and tasks and then focus

on the quiet. Peace with yourself and your mind is not a weak process, but rather it is the building block to everything else you take on each day. Mental loops of worry can wear us down, so simply making time to clear everything away and focus on your breathing provides inner ease. Breathe in peace. Breathe out stress.

Positivity. This includes the people you surround yourself with. Just as though certain situations can affect you negatively, the same can be said for the company you keep. If you notice that someone doesn’t have your best interests at heart, is not supportive of you and your endeavors, and doesn’t appear to care for or respect you, then it’s time to let them go and move on. Toxicity will cling to you for as long as you allow it.



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