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History Meets the Future Encants Flea Market

A flea market? The conspicuously angular, glittering roof looks less like a typical flea market than a futuristic spaceship. Mercat dels Encants is a veritable landmark, visible from afar as you drive along the northsouth thoroughfare towards Plaça de les Glòries Catalanes, or Glòries for short. The flea market was located there in the past as well. In 2013, it finally received a roof, but on a smaller area with only 8,000 m2 . The architects wanted to avoid evoking a shopping mall with a multistorey structure, so they developed retail streets on slightly inclined levels that merge into one another to form an endless loop. This also connects the various street levels and the multilevel underground parking garage used by vendors and visitors alike. People haggle and bargain across 35,440 m2 at a variety of sales points: permanently installed booths, portable tables, and blankets – all in the shade of the striking giant roof. Hovering 25 metres above the ground, it allows a pleasant breeze to circulate and gives the impression of an outdoor market.

The somewhat triangular roof surface is segmented into areas of different sizes and angles. Its shimmering gold underside reflects the hustle and bustle of the market with kaleidoscopic effects, making the view upwards at least as exciting as the view of the activities below. Sunlight fills the space, falling through skylights formed through the bends in the roof surfaces. Mercat dels Encants is said to have existed as early as the 14th century, when used goods were laid out on the ground for sale outside the city gates. Over the centuries, its location has changed several times, finding its most recent home under the futuristic roof on Plaça de les Glòries Catalanes. hw