6 minute read

Edge Computing

By Yeray Alfageme, Business Development Manager at Optiva Media an EPAM company

Edge Computing is an emerging technology that has become one of the most important topics in the technology industry in recent times. This technology has been possible thanks to the convergence of various technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), 5G, the cloud and Big Data. It allows data to be processed near the place where it is generated, thus reducing latency and improving the quality of service.

Live audiovisual broadcasts are one of the most important applications of this technology. In real-time news broadcasts, media can process and relay information to viewers more quickly and efficiently. In addition, in the transmission of online games, edge computing allows to reduce latency and improve connection quality, thus providing a smoother and more pleasant gaming experience.

It also offers benefits for content providers, as it allows them to customize streaming according to users’ preferences, provide additional services to viewers, and increase the security of live audiovisual streams.

Edge computing technology is becoming an essential tool for streaming live and real-time events. In this article, we will delve into the details of edge computing, its application in live audiovisual broadcasts and the benefits it brings to viewers and broadcast service providers.

What is edge computing?

Edge computing is a technology that allows data to be processed near the place where it is generated, thus reducing latency and improving the quality of service. This technology has been possible thanks to the convergence of various technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), 5G, the cloud and Big Data.

It is based on the idea of taking data processing to the edge of the network, close to the place where the data is generated. This reduces latency and improves the quality of services by processing data in the same place where it is generated, rather than sending it to a remote data center for processing.

At present, edge computing is used in a wide variety of applications, such as Industry 4.0, smart security, smart transportation, and digital healthcare, among others.

In live audiovisual broadcasts, edge computing is being used to improve broadcasting quality and reduce latency. Thanks to this technology, it is possible to process data close to the end user, which reduces the time it takes for the information to reach destination. This is especially important for live sporting events, where latency is critical. Viewers want to watch the broadcast in real time, with no delays. With edge computing, it is possible to significantly reduce latency and improve broadcast quality.

In addition to the benefits for viewers, edge computing can also be beneficial for streaming service providers. By reducing the amount of data being transmitted over the network, it is possible to reduce transmission costs. This can lead to greater efficiency in the organization of live events and in the transmission of information. In addition, it can also be used for realtime data analysis, which can help relay service providers improve user experience and make more informed decisions.

Application of edge computing in live audiovisual broadcasts

One of the most important applications of edge computing in live audiovisual broadcasts is real-time news broadcasts. In today’s world, information speed is paramount, especially in everything concerning news. Thanks to edge computing, mass media are able to process information near the place where events are actually taking place and relay it to viewers more quickly and efficiently. This allows users to be informed almost instantly about what is happening anywhere in the world.

In addition, it can also be used in the transmission of live content on social media and online video platforms. In these cases, users expect real-time transmission with adequate image and sound quality. By using edge computing, transmission quality can be improved and latency can be reduced, which significantly improves the user experience.

Another important application of edge computing in live audiovisual broadcasts is online gaming. Online gaming is one of the most popular forms of entertainment worldwide and requires a fast and stable internet connection in order to provide a proper gaming experience. The use of edge computing allows to reduce latency and improve connection quality, thus providing a smoother and more pleasant gaming experience. In addition, it can also improve online security in games, since data processing is performed on devices close to the end users and not in a remote data center.

Edge computing can also help broadcasters comply with data privacy rules. In many countries, companies are required to comply with strict regulations to protect users’ privacy and ensure that their personal data is not compromised. With data processing at the edge of the network, companies can ensure that personal data is kept on the user’s device and not transmitted over the network.

Benefits of edge computing in live audiovisual broadcasts

In addition to the aforementioned benefits, edge computing also allows content providers to customize streaming according to user preferences. With data processing at the edge of the network, it is possible to identify viewing patterns and user preferences in real time. Therefore, content providers can customize video streaming to suit each user’s specific needs, further improving the quality of user experience.

Another benefit of edge computing in live audiovisual broadcasts is the ability to provide additional services to viewers. For example, audio streaming services, data, and virtual and augmented reality streaming services may be added live at events. This increases viewer interaction and immersion in the experience, which in tun improves broadcast quality and viewer satisfaction.

Last, edge computing can also increase the security of live audiovisual broadcasts. Data processing technology at the edge of the network can protect against cyber attacks and maintain the privacy of users’ personal data. By processing the information near the place where it is generated, the amount of data being transmitted over the network is reduced and thus the possibility of the data being intercepted or stolen by hackers significantly decreases.

Examples of use of edge computing in live audiovisual broadcasts

Now, some examples of the use of edge computing in live audiovisual broadcasts.

A very interesting example is live sporting events. In these types of events, latency is a very important factor, as viewers want to see the action in real time. The use of edge computing technology allows to reduce the latency of the broadcast, which improves the quality of the user experience.

Another interesting example is live concerts. In these types of events, broadcast quality is very important so that viewers can enjoy the music. The use of edge computing technology allows to improve the quality of the broadcast, since the information is processed near the place where it is generated.

Another example of use of edge computing is online conferences. In these types of events, latency is a very important factor, as viewers want to see the action in real time. The use of edge computing technology allows to reduce the latency of the broadcast, which improves the quality of the user experience.

Edge computing is a technology that is driving a real revolution in the world of live audiovisual broadcasting. Its application in this field makes it possible to reduce transmission latency, increase transmission speed and quality, reduce costs and improve user experience. At live sporting events, live concerts and online conferences, the use of this technology is key to delivering a high-quality experience to viewers.

Challenges of edge computing in live audiovisual broadcasts

Although it has many benefits, edge computing also presents some challenges. One of the main challenges is the complexity of the technology. Implementation of edge computing requires an advanced technological infrastructure, which can be expensive and difficult to maintain. In addition, highly trained personnel are required to implement and manage this technology.

Another challenge is the lack of standards in the industry. Since edge computing is a relatively new technology, no clear standards have yet been established for its implementation. This can hinder interoperability between different systems and limit their adoption.

Security is also a major issue. Since data processing is carried out on devices that are close to the end user, there is a risk that personal data may be compromised. It is important to implement strong security measures to minimize these risks. Additionally, regulation can also be a challenge. As this technology evolves and is deployed in a variety of applications, new regulatory concerns around data privacy and cybersecurity are likely to arise.


In conclusion, edge computing is a technology that is gaining a lot of ground in recent times and one that has a great impact on live audiovisual broadcasts. Its application in this field makes it possible to reduce transmission latency, increase transmission speed and quality, reduce costs and improve user experience. At live sporting events, live concerts and online conferences, the use of this technology is key to delivering a highquality experience to viewers. Undoubtedly, edge computing is a technology that will continue to evolve in the future and it will be key in the world of live broadcasts.

In short, edge computing is a technology that is increasingly being used in live audiovisual broadcasts. It enables data to be processed close to the end user, which reduces latency and improves transmission quality. In addition, edge computing can also be beneficial for relay service providers, as it reduces the amount of data being transmitted over the network and thus transmission costs. It also allows to customize streaming according to users’ preferences, provide additional services to viewers, and increase viewer interaction and immersion in the experience. In conclusion, it can significantly improve the quality of live audiovisual broadcasts and viewer satisfaction. 