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Campground usage remains strong

Campers like what Dakota County Parks has to offer — and the numbers back it up.

Campground reservations have held strong at Lebanon Hills Regional Park since 2018 and grown significantly during the same period at Lake Byllesby Regional Park. Whitetail Woods Regional Park camper cabins are always popular.

Here’s a snapshot of 2022 campground and camper cabin use:

Lake Byllesby campers: 8,993

Occupancy rate: 41% weeknights

96% weekends

Lebanon Hills campers: 11,330

Occupancy rate: 69% weeknights

97% weekends

Whitetail Woods camper cabins (2021–2022): 4,094

Occupancy rate: 98% weeknights and weekends for more

After a bit of winter solitude, the Spring Lake Park Reserve bison will be more visible — with opportunities to welcome and learn about the Bison Prairie — this spring.

The animals spent their first several months in a secluded area of Spring Lake Park Reserve Bison Prairie as they adjusted to their new surroundings following their reintroduction to the park in fall 2022.

Now acclimated, the eight bison will be roaming different areas of the park where they’ll be more visible to the public.

That will include a Bison Welcome Week in May. Look for updates in early April on the Parks’ bison webpage and our social media channels. Follow our Parks Facebook page and subscribe to our e-news for regular updates.

The Dakota County bison join Oxbow Park and Zollman Zoo, Minneopa State Park, Blue Mounds State Park and Minnesota Zoological Garden and as members of the Minnesota Bison Conservation Herd — an effort to establish a healthy, stable herd of 500 genetically diverse bison.