The Daily Front Row

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janesays How can we get the Grazia UK effect? It’s all in the crashing, exciting mix of high fashion, A-list celebrity culture, and hard news. Grazia UK is ‘no-brow’ mix: it’s not high or low. There’s everything from the latest shoes, to the Arab Spring and troubles in Afghanistan, to Angelina Jolie on a red carpet. Some people still find that mix uncomfortable—how can you go from Victoria Beckham to something terrible that’s happening in Darfur? But that’s how women talk. We jump around from subject to subject,

The most titillating read in the UK has never felt a need to phone-hack (that we know of!). Grazia’s formula comes courtesy of its visionary founding editrix, Jane Bruton. BY ALEXANDRA ILYASHOV

and we’re interested in them all. How does the newsstand respond? When I arrived in, we were the launch that everybody said wouldn’t work. In Britain people felt that high-end luxury advertisers wouldn’t pay for a weekly environment, but we proved them wrong! We currently sell more issues in a week than Vogue UK does in a month. I introduced the ‘10 Hot Stories’ section

after about a year, and that’s when our sales started to really take off. What’s your staff like? ‘No-brow!’ It’s a mix from the highbrow glossies and British tabloids, but skewed towards the fashion glossies. How does Grazia portray fashion? We really educate people about fashion in a fun, not dry way. We love the fashion crowd. It’s like how chefs have

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