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ASA Board of Directors Meet in New Mexico


ASA’s Board of Directors met in Albuquerque, New Mexico on July 1, 2021 - their first live meeting since the pandemic began. Board members were overjoyed at the ability to finally be able to meet in person, and the event was a well-attended success. While Zoom meetings got them through this past year, there is simply no substitute for being face-to-face; and having the ability to hold their first full-fledged board meeting in over a year left attendees feeling excited about the work being done at ASA. The electricity in the room was invigorating, and the attendees were energized about planning for the future. Board member, Ray Moya, was incredibly proud that outgoing ASA President, Brian Cooper, chose his home state of New Mexico to host this incredibly important meeting. The opportunity for the local chapter leadership to be able to share a lovely meal and evening with the board was an honor and a privilege for everyone who was involved. “We got to meet new board members and we shared a wealth of ideas and knowledge,” said Moya. “It’s very interesting to see how we all have similar successes as well as similar challenges. We are like different children but all from the same family. It is very evident that the leadership on the national level is very strong. We made decisions and recommendations that will propel ASA to the next level as well as plans that will grow our membership. We made decisions that will keep us strong and fiscally sound. We scheduled events that will keep our members engaged. Our government and legislative advocacy is second-to-none. It had been a long time since New Mexico had the honor of having this ASA group meet in our ‘home’.” The ASA Board of Directors’ next meeting is scheduled for late September in Austin, Texas and all in attendance are looking forward to getting together again. ASA would like to say a special thank you to everyone from the New Mexico Chapter that dedicated a lot of hard work to make this incredible event happen.

Anthony Brooks, ASA president 2019-20 (L), and Brian Cooper, ASA president 2020-21 (R), share smiles and President’s plaque during Board of Directors meeting in Albuquerque.

Beverly Reynal (L), Exec. Director (ED) of ASA North Texas Chapter and outgoing Chair of the ED Council, and Gia Espinoza (R), ED of the ASA of New Mexico and VERY wonderful host for the week.

ASA Family Honors the Life of Brianna Wright

We are heartbroken to announce that Brianna Wright passed away peacefully early Saturday morning, July 3rd. Brianna served as Executive Director for the American Subcontractor Association’s Houston Chapter for 24 years. She brought an incredible amount of energy, passion, and spirit to everything she did for ASA Houston. Brianna worked hard and sweated the details, just like her contractor members. No job was too big or too small for her to pour everything she had into it.

Brianna’s smile was her standard greeting and she was easy with a laugh. It did not matter whether you were a new hire or the owner of the company, she made you feel welcome.

Brianna battled cancer with the same grit and determination she brought to every challenge. She played through the pain, and made it seem to almost everyone but those closest to her that nothing was wrong. Brianna never wanted the focus on her - whether it was an ASA luncheon, an EIC event, or her fight with cancer.

Her respect for the community she helped build showed in her dedication to recruit a new executive director and leave the ASA Houston chapter in good hands for the future. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Brianna’s husband David, who has been a champion by her side, and her family whose loss is so much greater than ours. Brianna believed that this separation would be a temporary one and we share that hope as well. Until that time, we can offer nothing but gratitude for her service and love for so many years. It will never be forgotten.

God bless you, Brianna, and thank you.

Price Escalation: ConsensusDocs Shares Free Resources and Updates

To help our members address the price escalation concerns of the industry, ConsensusDocs has created a price escalation resource center that includes a brief overview and free resources you are encouraged to use and share. The page includes a link to the industryonly standard contract document price escalation clause, the ConsensusDocs 200.1 Time, and Price Impacted Materials Addendum. The page also includes helpful articles, recorded webinars, and state and federal price escalation examples. Please share with them any information you have found helpful, so