1 minute read

Mini Catalogue

Discover our thoughtfully curated collection of tea-related products that exemplify our unwavering commitment to ethical sourcing, sustainability, and eco-friendliness. Within this catalogue, each item has been meticulously chosen for its eco-friendly attributes, ensuring that your tea enjoyment aligns with your values.

From our Tea Waste Notebooks, crafted from upcycled tea leaves, to our reusable tea infusers that minimize single-use waste, we have diligently sought out products that prioritize the well-being of our planet By incorporating these sustainable alternatives into your tea routine, you can indulge in your favorite brew while reducing your ecological footprint.

Tin Box

With every purchase made from this mini catalogue, you or your company contributes 1% of the sale towards the planet and its people.

EmptySquareTintofillwith LooseTea itemcode:ESTH85


A6andA5Notebooksmade fromTeaLeaveWasteand insidepagesfromCotton Waste

Zirkony Tea Box

Teaboxmadeofbamboo,with glasslid Including4 compartmentsforstoring differenttypesoftea itemcode:ESK1129

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