CD Magazine #21 + Upshift Guide

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SOUL VOICE METHOD Liberate your voice–one of the most powerful tools available to humankind. IN THE SUMMER OF 2007 I saw a picture of Karina Schelde

on a Soul Voice flyer and my heart started to dance. I had been curious about sound work for a long time, and something about the energy in her body captivated me. I TURNED UP TO THE FIRST WORKSHOP confident, having done lots of voice work in drama school and recently toured with a theatre company. However, as soon as Karina started sounding to set the space, I felt chills and pangs deep inside. I knew I was in for something I’d never experienced. DURING A TRAINING KARINA TOOK US through the emo-

tional body beginning with fear. Working in pairs, we began by formulating our intention,

which for me was to get into surfing. I live on the east coast of Australia, and had dabbled a bit as a teenager, but never crossed the threshold to competency due to a fear of big waves. Whenever a big set came through the fear would kick in and cut me off from my strength, power, and courage. But my body loves the water, and I knew that surfing would be wonderful if I could get past the fear. THE FIRST STEP WAS TO BREATHE INTO THE FEAR with all parts of my physical and emotional body, balancing the inhale and the exhale. Almost instantly I became numb to my feelings and Karina told me to sound whatever I was present with. The sound instantly dissolved the numbness, which brought me to a state of vulnerability, but the reassuring touch of my partner helped me surrender into it. The fear began to surface as a contracting, irregular breath rhythm with short sharp inhalations. My partner and Karina encouraged me to put sound to my experience, and the sound moved and shifted to different frequencies, taking me deeper into my psyche. I was amazed at my body’s ability to intuit the frequencies I was kinesthetically feeling. At one stage my awareness drifted off and Karina came along and thrust her hand into my guts. I released a whimper like a trapped dog. I could feel a worry of not coping, being overwhelmed, and getting hurt. I saw images of situations where I’d been fearful but unconscious to the fear. I could see how this had been stopping me from surfing. I FELT THE COURAGE TO EMBRACE THE FEAR and stared it straight in the eyes. I made a sound that hit the mark exactly, shattering a barrier between the world and myself. I allowed myself to experience these feelings through the tangibility of the sounds, and the fear transmuted into pure, raw, available energy. I felt highly energized and fully present. Everything around me seemed clearer, like I’d had a sensory upgrade. I softened and grounded into this until I heard a voice prompting me to share my new self. I met Karina’s compassionate gaze and felt a wave of inner strength pour out of me with beautiful tones of celebration. I knew I had transformed something of consequence. THE NEXT TIME I WENT SURFING I FELT the butterflies in my stomach. I consciously

I was amazed at my body’s ability to intuit the frequencies I was kinesthetically feeling. For more information, visit 48 | spring 2013

CHAD BECKETT Physical therapist; voice and movement teacher for actors Byron Bay, Australia Passions: surfing, dancing, drumming, and singing


embraced my feelings, which changed my internal atmosphere to one of thrilling adventure. Today surfing is a core part of my life. •

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