Colorado Runner - Issue 81: Fall 2018

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Staying Safe

While Running Alongside Traffic


f you are a runner, you understand there are risks when running alongside traffic. It can be challenging for a driver to see a pedestrian because of the way the brain and the eyes relay messages to one another. A human takes up a smaller portion of the visual field, so it might take a double take for the driver to perceive that it is an individual. You can do some extra things to make yourself more visible when you are running alongside traffic. Always exercise caution and run with the assumption that drivers won’t see you. Here are a few things you can do to make sure you stand out.

• Dress in Bright Colors

When you are going out for a run, be careful about what you wear. Some colors will blend in with the landscape. Fluorescent colors will help you stand out. Drivers will see you and you will stand out from your surroundings. Lime green, neon yellow, hot pink, and bright orange will get more attention than brown, black, white, green, or blue. Don’t blend in. Stand out!

• Obey Traffic Laws

Traffic laws were enacted for a reason. They are designed to keep people safe. Be familiar with the traffic laws and adhere to them to 16

help reduce the chance of an accident. Stop at intersections, don’t run in between cars, and don’t unpredictably dart through traffic. Give your own safety priority.

• Reflective Clothing

If you are running at night, take extra precautions. You need to stand out and be noticed by passing vehicles. This means you need to be decked out with reflectors. Wear a reflective safety vest, buy a reflective jacket, or a reflective hat. If you don’t want to spend money, put reflective tape across your chest and back and even along your legs. Wear reflective bands

around your wrists and ankles.

• Carry a Flashlight

A flashlight is also important. If you are out before dawn or after dusk, carry a flashlight. You should run with the flashlight turned on and pointed down toward the ground in front of you. This will help you get noticed. Drivers will see the light and realize there is someone there. You can also purchase knuckle lights, so that you don’t have to hold anything in your hands. Another option is to wear a headlamp, which come in a wide variety of sizes and colors. You can also purchase small lights to clip on to your Photography By METROPHOTO

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