1 minute read

Celebrating volunteers

CMS hosted a holiday open house after the Dec. 9, 2022 meeting of the CMS Board of Directors to celebrate and thank the physician members who volunteer their time serving on CMS boards,



councils and committees. We are better together when individuals bring their various experiences and perspectives to these groups. ■ credits

Meet the required 2 hours of training for all Colorado clinicians on controlled substance stewardship.


prescribers –learn how to protect yourself and help reduce patient harm in Colorado!

FREE and available on your schedule

Virtual — video modules with Colorado-based instructors Colorado Medical Society has certified these activities for AMA PRA Category 1 CreditTM



• Introduction to Opioids and Benzodiazepines

• Non-Opioid Pain Management Strategies

• Substance Use Disorder Treatment

• Understanding Rural Populations

• And more!

Funding provided by CoBank.

Denver Metro Chamber honors CMS and DMS

The Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce celebrated Colorado companies that have shaped the state’s economy for more than 100 years at the inaugural Centenarian Club Celebration on Jan. 5. Among those honored were the Colorado Medical Society (1871) and Denver Medical Society (1908), represented by CMS CEO Dean Holzkamp and DMS Executive Director Stefanie Carroll, MNM. We wouldn’t be where we are without our members. Thank you to the Colorado physicians of yesterday, today and tomorrow! ■